I always seem to find a Timmy Drift mural after a fresh snowfall.. the snowdrifts really pop up his great colors !
Took a tour down Croft street which is kinda like a mini-graffiti alley.
This Bell Box by Jon McTavish is nearby the Light UP Laneway Project. He describes himself as "Graphic Designer and Artist. World traveler. Snow/wake junkie. Climber & adventure seeker." on his Instagram.
This garage door mural by Raoul Olou was apart of the Light Up Laneway in 2018. In the summertime ivy covers up the artwork so it's best to see in the winter months.
This mural on Dundas West gets tagged a lot. At the beginning of January the team at Dundas West Museum repaired it and made it even better.
Another mural that gets tagged a lot is this one by LoveBot. There's a new dedication on the left hand side. "Painted in loveing memory of Matt Kirby and Keith Haring."
Another mural by Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack that looks better on video. Bruno said that they put 3 layers of varnish on this to protect it from taggers. It worked I have never seen a tag on this wall.
This huge mural by Uber5000 has been around for at least 5 years maybe 7.
This mural by WorkingSpy has been there for a few months. Its been tagged and then someone put another mural of a spider.
Found this sticker art by Pretty Things and Skulls
I don't think I posted this mural by Troy Lovegates before. Now I can say I have !.