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Bruno Smoky Sticker Slap

Bruno Smoky Sticker Slap on St. Clair West. Found by complete accident. He doesn’t do many of these so it was an amazing find. I got to met him short after

Awesome sticker bomb in the west end

It was either this or a bunny that I was going to post…for some reason I like this one.. kinda how I feel on somedays.. (i’ll post the bunny tomorrow)

I haven’t posted a sticker bomb in awhile either.. it was on a Utility box north of the city. It’s the only one that I’ve seen like this.. sometimes when I take pictures of these things people look at me like.. are you really taking a picture of that ??!! And I kinda just smile at them and walk away..

Artist unknown… I zoomed in on the upper right hand corner and it just say.. SMOKY

Was wondering if it was @brunosmoky ? Because it does have the S on the hat.. But I don’t know for sure…

Confirmed that it was Bruno.. and from his comments on my Instagram

  • brunosmokyIt’s me
  • bret.kellySometimes that happens @fuckeryisthis I’ve even had people stop ✋ and stand in front of me so they could take pictures of what I was capturing.. too funny ????
  • shalakattack
  • brunosmoky@bret.kelly hahha thanks man yea I was rally into stickers in the last 4 years but I kind got sick of it already I may go back again doing some more with some new designs hahaha that one is a fun one for sure
  • brunosmokyCheers man thanks for the post “

Sticker slap capture on 05/26/17 at this Toronto location below:

[iframe src=”!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2885.5198530190964!2d-79.44099558451212!3d43.678954779120446!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x882b347724d8cd07%3A0xd2e92858178e482d!2sSt+Clair+Ave+W+%26+Glenholme+Ave%2C+Toronto%2C+ON!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sca!4v1498876663605″ width=”600″ height=”450″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border:0″ allowfullscreen></iframe]