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Greetings From Toronto Sticker Art

Murals Late April Urban Exploration Finds

Greetings From Toronto Sticker Art


Looks to be marijuana buds in the letters.

April 14

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Listen Bird Graffiti

I haven’t seen any Listen Bird graffiti this year until this one.

April 15

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Everything is Bad

Cool sticker.. the one above is by Urban Ninja Squadron.

Wes is mediocre sticker

April 20

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

National Day of Action Graffiti

National Day of Action Graffiti

We Still Grieve: Toronto’s National Day of Action on the overdose crisis.

April 20

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

ArtChild Street Art Mural

This mural by ArtChild is down an alleyway with lots of other murals.

Parkdale Art Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Milky Way Murals

I honestly don’t know what this project was about. I see it almost every week. They should put a placard at some of these mural sites. That would come in handy when you stumble upon them years later.

Rage Williams

“Greetings From Parkdale” by Rage Williams

Horse Mural

I found another blog that has better pictures of the ‘Milky Way ‘than I do. (it’s a little slow FYI)


Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Mouse Graffiti

The graffiti mouse is still popping up everywhere.

I Hope Your Day is as Nice as Your Ass Sticker

Geez thanks !

Flips Mural

Found another Flips BSC mural in Kensington. This one looks like it been there awhile.

Ahayahisone Mural

He changed his name to Ahayahisone on Instagram so some of my tags are not working now.

Rowellsoller Mural

Rowellsoller does collaborations with Ahayahisone.

Kensington Market Alley

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Pass Murallie Graffiti Mural

I like this at the back of Pass Murallie which is actually a theater

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Pattern Garage Door Mural

Kinda interesting.. Unsigned.. I am a little surprised it hasn’t been tagged. Unfortunately, this is the type of art that taggers seem to tag the most.

Huey Garage Door Mural

I swear that says “Huey’

Face Mural

This face is interesting between the garage doors.

April 24

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Dime Road House Mural

Chipperwar is one of the artists who did this mural at the back of a restaurant. Someone followed me here.. I think they thought I was going to urinate here.

Stay Under Graffiti

“Stay Under Bridges You Troll” graffiti

Graffiti Burners

I found a couple of these graffiti burners in this same alleyway.

Where Graffiti

Kind of sad.

Jimmy Chiale Mural

A black and white mural by Jimmy Chiale.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Tenser & Jarus

Tenser & Jarus

I swear that says Tenser and Jarus.. and I know they are friends.. but it’s very different from anything that either of them have done before.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

Car Graffiti

That car is not going anywhere. I think that character on the left is by Eliscer.

Burner Graffiti

Another burner in that same alley as that abandoned car.

Sedation Sticker

“It takes the sedation of millions to hold us back”

So true.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here: