Canadian Graffiti Street Art March – 2025
Beautilul People Live Here Graffiti Haven't seen a new one of these for a few years. This one is dated on an abandoned house 2021. Flips BSC & Sunfloweramen Mural…
Beautilul People Live Here Graffiti Haven't seen a new one of these for a few years. This one is dated on an abandoned house 2021. Flips BSC & Sunfloweramen Mural…
Toronto Street Art Finds January 2016 I managed to put together another video. These are all the street art and graffiti photos plus video clips that I took back…
Toronto Street Art Finds December 2015 Almost forgot I loaded another Youtube video back in April. These were all taken in December of 2015. Its a lot longer than…
Toronto Street Art Finds November 2015 So…. I won't say that I have totally given up on the Toronto Street Art scene.. because I haven't. But there really hasn't been…
February 2024 Toronto Street Art Finds Just a post to begin the year. Thanks for those who are still coming. I haven't been updating as much and to be honest…
KJ Bit Collective Garage Door Murals Part 2 Part two of the photos that I took of the laneway jam done back in November. You can find this collection…
2023 KJ Bit Garage Door Laneway Jam At the end of October another laneway jam was put together by KJ Bit. KJ Bit is an emerging mural arts collective and…
Face Mural Got in an alley off of Yonge Street and found this face. It says no parking .. but guess what someone was trying to park in front of…
February 2023 Street Art Finds Catching up with some exploration from the winter. Realized that I should post these because a couple of them are no longer around. With summer…
Jieun June Kim Mural This mural is in front of what used to Ho's Salon. They are waiting for some approvals and then a condo is supposed to appear…
Alderwood Street Art Finds Haven't been up this way in a long time. I used to live in this area and there wasn't much as far as street art back… Audrey Hepburn Stencil Artwork Spotted that by the side of the road. I don't know if that is Audrey Hepburn but it looks like it. Not sure why this…
More Montreal Street Art These photos (plus video) were taken in the core - around St. Laurent where the Murale Festival is held. Later on I explored areas further out.…
Montreal Murals October 2021 More finds from autumn 2021 in Montreal. That's a good time to explore murals as the leaves are changing as well. Somehow the artworks looks different…
Downtown Montreal Murals October 2021 Most of these murals are from Murale Festivals years past. Some of the murals go back 10 years while others are only a year…