Canadian Graffiti Street Art March – 2025
Beautilul People Live Here Graffiti Haven't seen a new one of these for a few years. This one is dated on an abandoned house 2021. Flips BSC & Sunfloweramen Mural…
Graffiti Tagging Paste Ups pictures from Toronto, Canada. These are pictures taken of what I consider real graffiti or tagging. Most of images are taken in back alleys in the last couple of years.
Although, I have included few on the sides of trains I am not sure that they fit into this category. However, graffiti is usually considered an illegal activity so the pictures included here would fall into that category.
A great deal of the street art graffiti found here would be classified as humurous although, some people might not share the taggers view of humour.
Bombing and tagging sometimes occurs on the sides of abandoned places usually building that are going to be demolished.
Many people frown on this form of street art but it really is the original form and a lot of the ‘legitimate’ mural artists generally get their start by doing this form of expression.
Beautilul People Live Here Graffiti Haven't seen a new one of these for a few years. This one is dated on an abandoned house 2021. Flips BSC & Sunfloweramen Mural…
Toronto Street Art Finds January 2016 I managed to put together another video. These are all the street art and graffiti photos plus video clips that I took back…
Toronto Street Art Finds December 2015 Almost forgot I loaded another Youtube video back in April. These were all taken in December of 2015. Its a lot longer than…
February 2024 Toronto Street Art Finds Just a post to begin the year. Thanks for those who are still coming. I haven't been updating as much and to be honest…
KJ Bit Collective Garage Door Murals Part 2 Part two of the photos that I took of the laneway jam done back in November. You can find this collection…
2023 KJ Bit Garage Door Laneway Jam At the end of October another laneway jam was put together by KJ Bit. KJ Bit is an emerging mural arts collective and… Audrey Hepburn Stencil Artwork Spotted that by the side of the road. I don't know if that is Audrey Hepburn but it looks like it. Not sure why this…
More Montreal Street Art These photos (plus video) were taken in the core - around St. Laurent where the Murale Festival is held. Later on I explored areas further out.…
AShop Jackie Robinson Mural Never realized that Jackie Robinson played baseball for the Montreal Royals. That explains why Ashop made this mural. Kevin Ledo Leonard Cohen Mural Another portrait but…
St Laurent Blvd Graffiti 2021 All along St. Laurent Blvd you will find lots of street art and murals. If you venture down some of the alleyways you will even…
Saint Laurent Blvd Montreal Murals 2021 There are so many murals in Montreal that my head was spinning and my fingers sore from taking so many pictures. The area around…
You Can't Stop Graffiti "You can't stop the nature of art and expression" Found this bit of inspiration on the way to check out the Central Hospital Laneway Murals. Thought…
Unknown Sticker Artist Kensington Market Exploration Finds July 2021 Since Graffiti Alley is close to being taken over by condo developments.. Kensington Market is definitely a great place to check…
Street Art ? Nick Sweetman Mural Working away on his wall is Nick Sweetman doing another collaboration with Eliscer. This was for the Landsdowne Overpass project that was done over…
Mid July 2021 Urban Exploration Finds A few more new street art finds and lots of graffiti with some sticker slaps as well.Just a short post before the holidays !…