Garage Door Murals Plus Graff Writer Tags

Deer and Eagle Garage Door Art

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Found this artwork in another back alley back in March. The picture didn’t turn out very well, because of the light streaming over the top of the garage. The artwork looks kinda homemade and I didn’t find a signature to credit. The mural is a deer with an eagle. Its actually a pretty good garage door mural. I gotta say.

March 23rd, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:



Piss Elegant Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

I found this “Piss Elegant” graffiti in the back of Gladstone Hotel. There were a few of these in the west end. They were always placed in locations were men usually relieve themselves. I guess it was message for all those guys who urinate in public. Pissing in the back of building .. isn’t so ‘elegant’.

April 3rd, 2017


Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:


Face Garage Door Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This looks like some more interesting graffiti that I found on another garage door. Its more like a shed than a garage. I’m not condoning the graffiti but this is a little less offensive than some of the graffiti that I have seen in back alleys. Not sure that homeowners approve.. but the face looks pretty happy.

April 18th, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:


Graffiti on Gas Bar and Garage

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

That graffiti tag at the bottom of the building which is a Gas Station and Garage has been appearing in the west end. This graffiti tag at least isn’t on a mural. But whoever, that tagger is – they have been tagging murals with that same tag for over a year now.

Actually, that wall would make for a great mural. Maybe, some artists should approach the owner. That was really needs a new paint job.


April 22nd, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:


Don’t Tease Me Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

That “Don’t Tease Me” graffiti is on a garage door in a back alley. Some of them are very playful.. but I imagine that the homeowners would not be impressed. That graffiti style of writing looks familiar to me.. pretty sure that I have seen it elsewhere.

That looks to me like the homeowner has been having issues with tagging, as the black paint must have covered up some more graffiti.

April 22nd, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:



Everything is a Word Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Everything is a Word” graffiti on yet another garage door. I think the graffiti writers are having fun with this one. Not sure that the homeowners would appreciate their humour.


I love art Garage Door Street Art

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Looks like a homegrown mural on that garage door. Looks like a graffiti character who is spraying aerosol paint into the air. Someone has tagged that mural with “I Love Art”. I’ve noticed graffiti writers and mural artists put the year on their work. This one says 2014 on the bottom right hand corner.


Star Garage Door Street Art

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Another mural garage door find in another back alley. Says “Star” and it has a star in the middle. I think its signed “Len 15” on the right side. Maybe, this was done back in 2015?

NO H8 Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

That “NO H8” graffiti — I think apart of the “Star” mural – it appears next to it.

NO H8 of course is: “The NOH8 Campaign is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote LGBT marriage, gender and human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest” –

One of the few LGBTQ graffiti mentions.. aside from the ubiquitous “fag” that I see everywhere.

April 23rd, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:


Art 4 Art’s Sake

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Another homegrown art on a woodshed in another laneway filled with garages. The face is actually on the fence and says “Art 4 Art’s Sake”. Looks like was created back in 2008 judging from the year.

April 25th, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:



Why is this Illegal Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Found that on a fence near Dufferin Mall in another back alley that is filled with graffiti. This says “Why is this Illegal”. Its illegal because the homeowner probably doesn’t want that graffiti on their property. I think its been painted over since I took this picture.


May 1st, 2017

Toronto Garage Door Graffiti Street Art Found Here:





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