Home Garage Doors and Utility Boxes Hand painted picnic table

Hand painted picnic table

Hand painted picnic table found in Parkdale back in June. The home owner put the Canadian flag on this table and but it on his front lawn like a sculpture

canadian flag on picnic table

Happy Canada Day ! Street Art

I’m going to squeeze in one more Canada Day post..

Did you ever post something and realize that you should have posted something else ? But you don’t wanna delete because people have already liked and commented on it ?

That’s kinda what happened with my last post.. i’m going to repost some different images now. Hope you like them !

I wanted to put the top photo with the other one of the map of canada.. that would have made more sense.. but I was tired this morning.. all this rain is making my brain slow.

I’m going to include it now..

1) The top photo is from back in June.. a guy in Parkdale painted the top of a picnic table with the Canadian flag on the top and put it upright so that you can see it from the road.. That’s pretty patriotic..

2) This is from this afternoon. I was going to go down and see the rubber duck that everyone has been complaining about.. and it started to rain.. so. I went down to Rogers Centre instead and walked back along the lake..

When I got to Ontario Place.. the rain stopped and I went in through the park and explored the Cinesphere again.. Since, I’ve already posted this building.. (the best building in Canada IMHO) I thought I would add it.. Plus, there are two Canadian geese in the pond if you look closely in the reflection…

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and explored the city.  Check out Ontario Place there’s some art being painted there as we speak by local Canadian artists.



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