Montreal Plateau Neighbourhood Murals
AShop Jackie Robinson Mural Never realized that Jackie Robinson played baseball for the Montreal Royals. That explains why Ashop made this mural. Kevin Ledo Leonard Cohen Mural Another portrait but…
AShop Jackie Robinson Mural Never realized that Jackie Robinson played baseball for the Montreal Royals. That explains why Ashop made this mural. Kevin Ledo Leonard Cohen Mural Another portrait but…
St Laurent Blvd Graffiti 2021 All along St. Laurent Blvd you will find lots of street art and murals. If you venture down some of the alleyways you will even…
Saint Laurent Blvd Montreal Murals 2021 There are so many murals in Montreal that my head was spinning and my fingers sore from taking so many pictures. The area around…
Montreal Murale Festival Murals 2021 D face Mural Montreal This D*Face mural was done way back in 2016 and still looks fresh in that parking lot. Some cool murals in…
Dems & Doll Street Artists Dems & Doll is an Ottawa area based couple who are "Painters, Muralists, Designers, Crafters of everything DOPE." Her name is Sarah Doll and you…
Ottawa Street Art Murals You know that expression - business in the front and party in the back ? Well, this is taking that literally. The Top of the World…
ClandestinosArt Aerosol Mural Had the pleasure of seeing @shalakattack & @brunosmoky back in July working on this new mural in Vanier ! It was one of the warmer days…
VHILS Montreal Mural SO I was walking down Avenue De Chateaubriand and tada here is a Vhils that was done way back in 2017. He just visited Toronto last…
Kensington Sign Kensington Sign Finally ! I found this sign ! I have seen so many photos of this on Instagram but I didn't realize where it actually is. Didn't…
You Can't Stop Graffiti "You can't stop the nature of art and expression" Found this bit of inspiration on the way to check out the Central Hospital Laneway Murals. Thought…
Unknown Sticker Artist Kensington Market Exploration Finds July 2021 Since Graffiti Alley is close to being taken over by condo developments.. Kensington Market is definitely a great place to check…
More Later July 2021 Urban Exploration Finds I seem to have a lot of street art pictures from July. The weather was good and there were lots of gems to…
Street Art ? Nick Sweetman Mural Working away on his wall is Nick Sweetman doing another collaboration with Eliscer. This was for the Landsdowne Overpass project that was done over…
Mid July 2021 Urban Exploration Finds A few more new street art finds and lots of graffiti with some sticker slaps as well.Just a short post before the holidays !…
Early July 2021 Street Art The middle of the year the street art scene was getting a little busier in Toronto. So many projects were post-phoned or cancelled altogether in…