You are currently viewing Laneway Light Up Mural Artist Project
Nick Sweetman workig live

Laneway Light Up Mural Artist Project

???? Laneway Light Up ????

created by @kj.bit & @openfieldcollective & friends

This is a project that I honestly didn’t know anything about until I got there… they say on their account. “transforming the Euclid/ Palmerston laneway into a giant canvas of colourful garages painted by an amazing array of Toronto’s mural and street artists. “And it basically was what it says it way..

Some of these photos are works in progress but they are having a “community celebration of new murals on Sunday Sept 16th at 4pm in the Euclid / Palmerston laneway running north/south between College St and Dundas St West.” So I figured I would post these in case anyone decides to check it out this afternoon.. It is definitely worth it..

Photos in order

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Nick Sweetman workig live

1) Nick Sweetman @nick_sweetman working on another amazing mural.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Christina Mazzulla

2) Christina Mazzulla @cmazzulla ???? She was really great to talk to ! I’ve admired her work for awhile now.. so it was nice to chat for a bit.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Planta Muisca

3) Planta Muisca @_muisca_ I’ve posted many of her murals before and this is her working on her latest.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Gosia Komorsk

4) Gosia Komorski @gosiakomorski I only met her less than 2 months ago.. And now I’ve seen her working 3 times and always on the warmest of days !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Karen Roberts

5) Karen Roberts @artistkroberts This a mural with white squirrels ! (why no emoji for squirrels ?)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Meaghan Claire Kehoe

6) Meaghan Claire Kehoe @mck_studio This one was already completed when I got there.. looks amazing.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Cruz1 GFC

7) Cruz1 GFC @cruz1art Another one that was completed before I got there. This artist created two murals for this project.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art

8) I feel bad.. I don’t actually know who this is by.. I will definitely find out.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Jieun June Kim

9) Jieun June Kim @junekima.rt On the left of the cameraman is Jieun who actually made the 6 o’clock news.

10) Maleeha Sheikh @maleehacity Ok.. I didn’t who she was either.. but I got to watch her do the weather for Sunday.. which is today !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

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