Wall Mural by Anya Mielniczek found in east end Toronto. Aerosol artwork graffiti done for “Women Paint the Walls” project done back in August of this year
Wall Mural by Anya Mielniczek
Beautiful mural by Anya Mielniczek @anyamielniczek done back in August and I took this photo back in September.
From her website she says “Toronto based Polish-Canadian artist who grew up between the city in Canada and the country sides of Poland. As a mixed-media artist, her work explores combinations of both fine art and street dirt mediums.
She does some really interesting art with garbage and paper waste.. Its really worth checking out on her website. She also does art installations as well as canvas art.
I would like to know more about this mural.. hopefully she will give me some information.
Updated: She told me more about this on my Instagram “The piece was created at the women in walls street jam this past summer. A lot of my work focuses on female portraiture and with this piece specifically I wanted to remix an in used design I had previously put together while getting more practice with aerosols :)”
This was for another female artists project in east end Toronto. The second this year that I know of with women artists painting over the weekend. This one was called “Women in the Walls”. Some people have said that they aren’t a lot of women mural artists. There seems to be more and more from what I have seen over the last year ! Always good to have more artists creating and sharing their work.
She always has done a few of the Traffic Signal Boxes and I posted one of her’s with roses back in the spring of this year.
Wall Mural by Kerry Marie
I’ll include this one because its around the corner from the previous one and was apart of the same project.
She goes by Kairo Mario on her Instagram account which is private. I honestly don’t know much about her. I have seen art all over town. The murals that I have seen have female faces very similar to this one.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found at this Location
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