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Wheatpaste Throwup by WRDSMITH

Wheatpaste Throwup by WRDSMITH across from graffiti alley in downtown Toronto. Native from Los Angeles has posted a few in Canada this was one I discovered

Graffiti Street Artwork

Wheatpaste Throwup by WRDSMITH

I don’t know
if a perfect
world is
but I’m certain
its a
long way
from now.

by @wrdsmith .

Never heard of this paste up artist (before Instagram) who from his account says “a writer doing time in Hollywood”. Franklin of @whitewigphotography has posted some of his paste ups in Los Angeles which, is how I knew who he is.

Then, this morning @urbanninjasquadron let me know that this was posted yesterday in Toronto and to be on the lookout. WRDSMTH posted the actual location of this so, it made it a little easier. I find that when I am looking for something like this — I never find it. I had to go north of the area so, I figured I’d try and find it and I did !

They had to put it up while standing on a ladder, its pretty high up and I had to stretch my arms really high to snap this photo. When I did, a couple came by and looked at it and kinda shrugged and walked away.

Every time I go down this alley there’s someone drinking some beer ; today was no exception. The last time I went down with a friend there was some really sketchy stuff going on; including an unstable man wearing a dress and calling my friend a “b*tch”. I wouldn’t go through here at night. ????
The words do ring true. Especially, today with people giving up on fixing climate change. I went down to the lake after this and noticed that the lake is starting to recede a bit. It does make me nervous about the future and for future generations.

We keep talking about climate disruption and seem amazed when the weather is so odd day after day.. but there doesn’t seem to be an effort to deal with it. Its a problem that someone else will have to deal with; its one that isn’t going to go away which is why I don’t see a perfect world in the future either.


Wheatpaste Throwup by WRDSMITH

Wheat paste graffiti discovered at this Toronto location


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My canvas is a blank page of paper and my paint takes the form of the colorful and well-chosen words