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???? Magic Finngawong

Magic Finngawong Murals

Murals Magic Finngawong

This isn’t an advertisement.. I don’t even own a car FYI.. ! But I do spend a lot of time at this particular auto shop checking out all the artwork. I figured a shout out to Josie Candito at @mastermechanichighpark was in order.

This is the same auto shop that I have posted a few times now. It has all the superheros ???? all around the building, including Wonder Woman.

Josie just updated her famous sign again with some new art !

These pictures in order:

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

1) There is always an inspirational message on this sign. The latest message is: “Just a Reminder: Your Presence on this Earth Makes a Difference !” (Nov 23, 2018)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

2) This is Josie herself on the back of the sign with her own dog ! (Nov 23, 2018)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

3) The front of the sign. it’s all dogs ! Which she loves ! (I passed by at night so the images are a little dark.. ) (Nov 23, 2018)

These are some of the messages from the past year or so..

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

4) “Be You. The World Will Adjust” – (July 20, 2017.)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

5) “You Are Next In Line For A Miracle ! Say “Yes” To Accept! ” – (September 26, 2017)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

6) “Hello Beautiful Souls. Be Kind To Yourself Today.” – (August 24, 2018)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

7) “Life Is Beautiful Smile At a Stranger Let’s Spread Love!” (August 29, 2017)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

8) “In Case No One Told You Today, Ur Beautiful. Ur Loved. Ur Needed.” (May 4, 2017)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

9) “Psst.. The World Needs You!” – (June 12, 2018)

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Murals Magic Finngawong

10) “I Don’t Always Post About Animals.. Wait.. Yes.. Yes I do!” (July 14, 2017)

She uses the sign sometimes to post about the Humane society and even some anti-bullying messages. It’s all designed to promote positivity.. and you know what ? .. sometimes it goes a long way..

Thank You Josie ! “The World Needs More of You” !

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:

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