Hand Painted Fish Utility Box by Claire Correia in the west end of Toronto. She was painting this live with a friend when I got to introduce myself to her
Live artwork in West End Toronto

The photo on the left is @claire.correia working on her Traffic Signal box on June 26. She posed for a photo for me and showed me her design for this. When I talked to her she said it was her 6th day working on this. She had a friend with her and they were both wearing those safety vests.. which, is probably a good idea with the amount of traffic that goes by here.
The photo on the right is from June 29th just a few days later.. and I think it looks great… She was working on the fish on the 26th… (I took it from this angle because a guy is behind there checking his phone)

From her website it says that she is a “visual artist, illustrator, design educator”. She said she doesn’t do instagram much as she prefers Facebook.. so, I’ll be sure to mention her on there as well.

When I met her… a guy was chatting with her and he appeared to be inebriated while holding a liquor store bag. I could tell when I walked by that she appeared a little uncomfortable talking to him. I figured that would be a good time to say hello.. and she was appreciative that I had interrupted him. One of the pitfalls of working in the public eye is having to deal with the public.
The amount of people and cars that go by these artists everyday is tremendous. I would find it annoying to have to stop working and chat with people; as they ask questions that you have probably answered several times already. The artists that I have chatted with have all been very personable and don’t see to have a problem talking about their work. I do try to be respectful though and not take up too much of their time.
Again, this is for the city apart of their Outside the Box street art program.

Art Utility Box Captured at this Toronto Location:
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