Mid December 2020 Urban Exploration Finds
Lots of graffiti for some reason in this post. All found in the middle of December 2020 !
Stars Street Art
On Gerrard and Church St.. I found artwork similar to these wood pieces. All along the way down to Riverdale Park.. someone has made these wood sculpture things all with a star theme. The ones I found previously on Church St were about hockey players and the ones on Gerrard had cars.
None of these are signed but it looks like someone spent a lot of time making them and attaching them to the poles.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Traffic Signal Box

I’ve noticed this traffic signal box in Chinatown East for a few years ago. It could use a redo in my opinion. I looks like snakes. Maybe it was for the year of the snake ?
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

I think I posted this before.. but I got a better picture of this graffiti. I wonder who did that and more importantly.. why they did this.
Clandestinos Mural
An oldie but still looking fresh mural by Clandestinos. The husband and wife team of Bruno Smoky & Shalak Attack made this mural back in 2015. When they work together they go by Clandestinos Art. Bruno is originally from Brazil and Shalak is from Toronto but she has Chilean roots. They make an incredible team !
This mural is in the middle of Regent Park on one of the newer condos. I have never seen it tagged in the over 5 years that it has been there !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
FlipsBSC Street Art

This small piece by FlipsBSC is right by Beck Taxi headquarters. It gets tagged but he just repaints it right soon after. Its his spot !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Wayne Dunkley Wheat Paste

‘What Do You Feel When’ wheat paste that I found by accident. I followed the #whatdoyoufeelwhen on Instagram and ended up finding this account by Wayne Dunkley. Looks like he’s been posting his street art in Vancouver and Montreal as well as Toronto.
SHitshoW Street Art

I noticed this black and white graffiti bird at that same spot. It’s the first time that I had seen this artwork in the east end.
UPdate ! Thanks to adilx___ for letting me that that SHitshoW is the artist !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Alec Lamb Window Street Art

I didn’t realize that the artist was actually apart of this window art. I only saw the window with the socks.
From the website
“Haut Beau is a rug label created by Alec Sutherland. Each rug is part of an exploration of structure, colour, pattern, and composition. “
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
1 Howard Park Graffiti

This building has so much potential for a mural ! Just saying.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Urban Ninja Squadron Paste Up

Ubiquitous Urban Ninja Squadron with a Slole Slaps collaboration.
Slole Slaps

At the same location I found some stickers by Slole Slaps.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Question Answer Graffiti

No idea who this one.. but it says “Question the Answer”. That drip is a technique that I’ve seen before.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Blazeworks Mural

I posted this mural by Blazeworks already.. but you can see how much work he put into this wall. So much detail !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
RED Graffiti

Dunno why I like this.. but I like that fact that it says ‘RED’ on clearly a blue structure.
Jack Rental Graffiti

I took this picture through a smashed window at what used to be an auto mechanic and Vespa rental shop.
Days after I took that photo it burned to the ground.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Evan Marcus MacKenzie

Otherwise known as Heavy.ev on Instagram Evan is a colourblind artist who paints in colour !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Adrian Hayles Mural

On the side of Oscars Auto Repair is a new mural by Adrian Hayles that he did in the autumn.
Frank Moises Mural

A couple of years ago Frank Moises painted this mural on the other side of the same garage. Its the car from Dukes of Hazzard; for a short while there was a confederate flag on the roof.. but he didn’t feel right about that and removed it later with the permission of the owner who felt the same way.
Door Artwork

Whoever lives inside put these iconic photos on the door including this one of Pablo Picasso. The other I believe is by Diane Arbus.