You are currently viewing Mural by Hemps plus Garage Doors

Mural by Hemps plus Garage Doors

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti featuring Mural by graffiti artist Hemps plus Garage Door collection artwork in downtown laneway done by same unknown artist

Mural by Hemps

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

Catching up with some of the street art that I never posted after going through some of my archives. This I found on December 24, 2015 and its by graffiti street artist who goes by Hemps.

Seems to be a man listening to music on headphones and there is a graffiti burner in the middle. On the bottom are piano keys. We also see piano keys on the top with trumpets and bass. There are also musical notes that are floating.


Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found at this Location


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Garage Doors by Unknown Artist

These are all from December 18,2015 in an alleyway near Harbord Collegiate. I was taking pictures of all of them when a lady came out who was walking her dog. We talked briefly and she said that one of the homeowners is an artist and did all of these garage doors.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

This one looks like a pair of red Cardinals on some birch trees.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

That looks like a red reindeer in an old computer control room. Kinda reminds me of Homer Simpson at the nuclear plant.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

Looks like a paisley pattern. I just googled it .. defined paisley as “a teardrop-shaped motif with a curved upper end.”

[one_half]Toronto Street Art & Graffiti[/one_half][one_half_last]Toronto Street Art & Graffiti[/one_half_last]

This is a two door garage so they have used both doors for a mural with a character pulling what looks to be birds that are floating on some logs.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

Simple one with a bird on a branch.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

That similar character as the one above. Looks a little like a bear and seems to be carrying a stick that has some birdhouses with a bird on it.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

Looks like two astronauts in space and one is playing the guitar. That reminds me a little of the artwork in the “Little Prince” books.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

An aquatic theme on this one with some sharks in the water as some boats approach.

Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

Definitely an original design on this one. The blue creature seems to represent trees or nature. Its holding hands with the red creature who might represent civilization. That is only my interpretation anyway.


Toronto Street Art & Graffiti

This garage door was in that same alley. They must have had a problem with the taggers in the area. I’ve seen a lot of that “Home Sweet Home” on peoples garage doors. The neighbours must have decided they would rather have a mural than that type of graffiti on their property.


Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found nearby this Location

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