St Laurent Blvd Graffiti 2021

Scaner + Axe Mural

St Laurent Blvd Graffiti 2021

All along St. Laurent Blvd you will find lots of street art and murals. If you venture down some of the alleyways you will even more and lot and lots of graffiti. Some garbage as well .. but mostly graffiti.

Jean Labourdette Dog Mural

There are a few murals by Jean Labourdette of this dog character.

Turns out it was in protest of some legislation proposed in Montreal.

Scaner & Cemz Mural

Prolific graffiti writer Scaner mural. Unfortunately, Alex Scaner passed away in 2017. His artwork is still all over the city. He seems to be a well liked and well respected artist. Although, it is sad that he is gone. – its nice that his work still remains in the alleyways.

Graffiti Alley Montreal

As you can see these alleys are chock full of graffiti finds.

Roc514 Sticker

I found this sticker slap by Roc514

Cazer Graffiti Character (FDS)

I imagine that some of these works of graffiti have been there for years.

Scan Graffiti

Montana Colors made a special limited edition can featuring Alex Scaner.

Sloast Graffiti

Nice to see Sloast who uses that ‘see you’ in most of their artwork.

Mongo Graffiti

Even the notices in the back alleys get covered in graffiti.

Time is Gold Mural

There are so many graffiti burners that I couldn’t keep track of them

Germ Dee Mural

This mural by Germ Dee has been been painted over – just this past summer.

Resno Graffiti

This wall of graffiti has been interesting to document; over even the last couple of years. This is what it looked like back in late October of 2021.

Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:

Scaner + Axe Mural

Says online that this mural was done way back in 2014. It is outside a pawnshop.

Penis Sticker

Another theme in graffiti seems to be penis art. Here we have a sticker with a penis.

Francis Boucher & Snikr & Fléo K6A & Charlie Chizo Collab Mural

Amazing collab that was done back in 2018.

Guitar Guy Mural

Couldn’t find out anything about this mural that I just call ‘guitar guy’.

Roosters Mural

Same with these 3 roosters – I couldn’t find out anything about them. I could make a penis joke.. but na..

Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:


In the background – that is the Leonard Cohen mural by Kevin Ledo.

Sloast Flower Mural

Chole Rowan is the artist that goes by Sloast and you can find out more at their website.

Alley Graffiti Montreal

Everywhere you look in Montreal – graffiti

Sticker Banquet

Its a bunch of stickers

Salopain Sticker Art

This is the sticker for a tattoo artist – Salopain

Ladrondepegatinas Sticker Art

They haven’t posted in awhile Ladrondepegatinas

Maika Wheatpaste

“En feu dans une ruelle 🔥”

Wheatpaste artwork by Maika


There is even more graffiti on top of graffiti in this alleyway.

Sloast Flower Mural

Found some more Sloast in that same alleyway.

Wall2Wall Sticker

A popular Instagram account – not only has stickers but a great blog

“The first purpose of this blog is to share my passion for the Montreal street art and graffiti scenes, and in doing so, increase exposure for its artists, writers and crews”


It is a really good reference for all things street art in Montreal.

Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:

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