Face Mural

Got in an alley off of Yonge Street and found this face. It says no parking .. but guess what someone was trying to park in front of before I took this picture ? Uh huh
Sword Graffiti

Later I found this graffiti. Kinda clever.. its a sword carrying an axe. I would not wanna go inside that door late in the evening !
Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:
Animals Stencil

Always on the look out for cool stencils and I found this one – looks like a cat and a dog.
Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:
No Stickers

The irony of this ‘no stickers’ sticker is the best !
Stonr Sticker

Walking along University its always fun to check out the new and old stickers. Not sure if Stonr is the same artist as Zonr.
Topo Sticker

This artist has their own website and they explain who they are
“Surrounded since his childhood by graffiti writers and urban artists, the artist finds in the artistic manifestations of the street the best way to share his enthusiasm for life and his eternal questions.
Life Streets Sticker

This artist also has their own site
” Life © is a Toronto, Canada based street artist focused on stickers, wheat paste and spray paint with artwork in most major cities. The motif he uses is a series of eye flowers, sometimes singular, sometimes in clusters. The flowers represent nature looking back at us with curiosity. “
Kizmet32 Sticker

First sticker that I have seen by Kizmet32

Office Supply Artist

I’ve noticed his stickers for a few years now.
Tom E Sticker

Some of these sticker I never know if they are some type of guerilla advertising. I had to Google it.. and it turns out there is a football club in Zurich.
Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:
HeatsNy Sticker

Says that “puts colorful hearts up with inspirational quotes to make your day a little brighter.”
Zyn Sticker

Getting closer to OCAD — you will find strange and stranger stickers.
Happy Graffiti

Looks like someone tried to rub this out but they weren’t able which makes it more interesting to me.
Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:
WallFlower Sticker

“A visual ode to the past”
Canadian Graffiti Street Art Located Here:
Lippy BB Graffiti

This artist seems to have moved from stickers to actual tags.
Life Street Graffiti

And again .. another artist who was mostly into stickers has been migrating to graffiti
Timmy Drift Mural

Amazing mural by Timmy. He actually has quite a few at this location.
Ass Brand Sticker

Ok.. one of those stickers that I didn’t pay much attention to at the time.. But I decided to pull up the website.. and tada its still active.. and they made this terrific video :