You are currently viewing Young Jarus Artwork Mural

Young Jarus Artwork Mural

Young Jarus Artwork Mural found in west end Toronto. Another aerosol spray project done by the ubiquitous artist, he does a lot of faces in the murals he does

Graffiti Mural by parking spot

Young Jarus Artwork Mural

This is the same artist as the previous post.. its by @youngjarus and done a year and a half ago. (learning to stay in a linear mode !).
For the last picture I waited for a guy to leave that had parked his motorcycle in front of the King Midas mural. For this one there were some people backing their car into this parking spot. I have never done this before — but I jumped into this spot quickly and told them to wait while I took this photo Thankfully, they were nice about it and didn’t run me over. They actually waited for me and didn’t even honk their horn at me !. .
Its hard to get this one without any cars in front. It’s bad enough that they put those parking signs where they did.. argh!!! /
I don’t begrudge anyone because its really difficult to get parking downtown these days so, I understand. But I really like to see these murals without any cars in front !

Art Graffiti discovered at this Toronto location: