Artists Paula Tikay & Aner


Today I walked by that mural I had posted yesterday.. and guess who was having a break when I went by ? The artists themselves..


Artists Paula Tikay & Aner.


On the left is @paulatikay and on the right @a_n_e_r . Was so nice to finally say hello.. I asked them a few questions and they posed for a picture, so I feel I should post something..
Apparently, there is going to be a ceremony here tomorrow at 4pm if you are in the area.. check it out.. .
The top left picture in my layout is the artists as I mentioned.
.. The top right picture is the mural from the side.. you can see how they are working right around the corner of the wall..
The bottom video is from yesterday when I got to see them working on it with ladders and scaffolding. They used a lift at first to do the top part.

Anyway, it was a pleasure to met them.. and I wanted to thank them for the art that I will be seeing weekly now !

I felt kinda akward at the time asking them to pose for a photo because they looked very tired from working in the sun all day painting this huge mural. But they were very pleasant and she even followed me back on Instagram.

I  actually ran into her on the street the day after, she was all dressed up for the cermony that took place for this mural. She was all dressed up and carrying some vegetables. Again, we talked for a little while and she honestly is a very nice person. Her artwork is fabulous and I am so happy that I see this almost every day now.

Incidentally, I found a stickerbomb that she left at the convience store just around the corner from here and I posted that to my ‘stories’ on Instagram !


Artwork and video captured on 06/10/17 at the location below:

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