Covert Wheat paste Throw up

Covert Wheat paste Throw up in Honest Ed’s Alley in downtown toronto. Very clever graffiti style poster by an American artist who works in collaborations

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Wheatpaste Graffiti Throw UP

???? Tape by @covert_number_1 and credit to @urbanninjasquadron

A wheatpaste throwup that I wanted to post from May.

Says ” Music is the best way for me to say I love you”

It’s Love Mix #2 on High Quality Type !

If they can bring back vinyl they should bring back the MIXTape ?

Did anyone ever make a mixtape for their love >

Their account says “Art for arts sake. There is no message. If you like, good. If you dont, thats okay too.”

I like !


Another view:

Toronto Street Art Graffiti


Extra Toronto Graffiti Pictures

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This is beside it by Urbanninjasquardon = he’s the one that told me who the artist is. He is actually the one who put both of these up in the alleyway…

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This graffiti that says “Bloom where you art planted” is on the door to the left of the previous wheat paste post ups. I may have posted it before but I think its really nice. P


This is the actual alleyway where all this graffiti it. There was a story in the news back in March about this ‘graffiti. There is actually a lot more now since then. People are actually flocking to this location to see the artwork now.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Here are my thoughts.. yes this was an important historical spot in the city for years. Its been vacant since January 1st of this year. Its technically an abandoned building until the demolotion starts. If they didn’t want “graffiti’ here they could have done what other construction sites do and hire artists to cover up their lading.


I don’t think emerging artists trying to get some free exposure is a crime. To be honest this store wasn’t selling high end merchandise.. it was discount goods. Yes its apart of history.. but like the artwork at this location it will all be history soon.


Toronto Graffiti found at this location


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