Hand Painted Murals by Flipsc

Toronto Graffiti artwork Hand Painted Murals by Flipsc found West End. This local artist uses swirls in his artwork that has become recognizable trademark



Toronto Graffiti Art ????swirls by @flipsbsc

Toronto Graffiti Art

This is one artist that I have been meaning to post.. This picture is from July 8th but it looks like the mural was done in early May.. His account says “Flips Graffiti & Tattoos & Art. BSC. Blurred Sight Cleared ????Toronto High Rollers Club OG????” .

This swirl with these colors are all over the city.. sometimes the colors change but I always recognize the unique swirls.

I’ve been passing by this “People Hair Salon” ✂️ for at least 6 years (it’s on the edge of Chinatown). I noticed way back then that those photos of the hair models in the window were blue even back then. They are the same pictures… they just get a little bluer after every year.

Has anyone else noticed Salons and Barbershops ???? with old pictures in the window that just never change ? Last week I passed a barbershop that had the male cast of the ???? 90’s 90120 in the front window complete with Luke Perry as Dylan.
Do people go in and ask for these hairstyles ?
If I were a woman I’d be tempted to go and ask for the style with the blue lady on the left hand side … just to see what they say …


Toronto Graffiti Art Found at this Location

Toronto Graffiti Art ???? swirls by @flipsbsc

Toronto Graffiti Art

Here is another by the same artist that I found on June 25th. Its to the right of one by Cruz Arts. This is back of yet another condo development construction site. These fence walls get covered in graffiti over time. As a preventive measure the developers have been hiring artists to paint murals. Much like garage doors and traffic signal boxes, although when the building is complete the art is removed.


Toronto Graffiti Art Found at this Location


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