Mr. Cinzah & Bruno Smoky Mural

Mr. Cinzah & Bruno Smoky Murals captured in November in downtown Toronto. Both artists have worked on Sea Wall artivism project with aerosol graffiti


Mr. Cinzah Fish Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti Toronto Street Art Graffiti

I’ve been scoping this ???? mural by @mrcinzah that was done back in the summer for months now.. Its behind a gated fence.. and I think it’s on private property.. The gate was finally open ???? yesterday.
So I zoomed in and snapped a few ????… It’s another artwork that is just too large to be captured in this narrow space.. It’s really one ‘best seen in person ‘.. (Which unfortunately is mostly through a locked ???? fence..) It’s apart of the @loveletterprojects
Project by @pangeaseed to create awareness about the world’s water ????.. There are a few of these Art-ivism murals around the city by different artists because Toronto is on Lake Ontario – one of the Great Lakes and they are a huge source of fresh water .. You can go to @seawalls_ learn about “Artists For Oceans” ????????????????????????????????????

Toronto Graffiti Artwork Found at this Location


Bruno Smoky Northern Lights Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

I messed up yesterday.. @brunosmoky told me the day before that he was going to be working on a “shelter ” mural at this location .
Silly me – I went to the mall first and I seemed to be in line forever.(everyone is ???? ????) .. .
Sadly, I got here just after he was finished .. I really would have loved to watch him working on this.. It’s in the front of @loftkitchen and LOFT stands for Life Opportunities Food & Technology.. “transforming the lives of Toronto Youth by providing a path to self sufficiency through food service-based training
To me this looks like the Northern Lights over a forest.. And you can see his sky lift is still there from yesterday (and his signature is in the bottom left).. He does a lot of nature based art ???? work.. Along with @shalalattack and when they work together as
???????? ________



Toronto Graffiti Artwork Found at this Location

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