Bruno Smoky Aerosol Murals



Bruno Smoky Aerosol Murals found near College & Bathurst, Toronto. Both these graffiti art pieces are hidden behind an alleyway that takes some exploration


Aerosol Spray Toronto Graffiti Artwork

Bruno Smoky Car Mural

Bruno Smoky Car Mural

From yesterday’s wandering I stumbled upon this ???? treasure by @brunosmoky @clandestinosart
.. Was so excited to find this – I’ve walked right by here and didn’t know this was there.

Sometimes you just have to go a little further to get the reward.. And I’ll leave it up to you to Interpret the message of this mural … ???? ????????_____

I’ve noticed that a lot of his and Shalak Attack’s artwork has environmental themes. This one seems to be pointing out the emissions that cars burn. Its a fact that these cars that people drive everyday is really hurting out planet. This car that he has portrayed appears to be an SUV they vehicle that passes me by several hundreds of times a day. Its interesting that he put this on a garage.


Bruno Smoky Face Mural

Bruno Smoky Face Mural

Another @brunosmoky that’s actually around the corner from the one of his of a car ???? that I posted a couple of weeks ago.. He does these faces that really catch your eye on the street.. .
When you see this guy… to take a picture.. It takes you into a back alley parking ???? lot and there’s 2 other murals around the corner.. .

Not sure why he does a lot of these face in his artwork. I’ve notice some other themes in his art besides the environment ones. He does houses and these ‘not so handsome’ male faces. They really catch your eye when you walk by because a lof of the other artwork that you see downtown tends to have happy themes with pretty images.

And if you venture again around the garage.. There’s even more art ???? in the alley behind this (by different artists – including a tribute to Muhammad Ali) .. I don’t know who this is by.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Toronto Graffiti Art Found at this Location




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