Toronto Street Art Graffiti featuring Troy Lovegates Easter Egg + Parkdale Painted Mural, including rail trail temporary artwork by Elicser Elliott & Kizmet
Troy Lovegates Easter Egg
Sometimes artists leave hidden ‘easter eggs’ when they are working on their art projects.
This is one by @troy_lovegates that I found in November of this year.
It was inside an unsecured old meter panel that is no longer in use. When you open it up — you see this face looking back at you !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location
Troy Lovegates Mural in Parkdale
The previous Troy Lovegates that I posted on Instagram reminded me of the one that I have seen on his regularly in Parkdale.
This Troy Lovegates mural was done back in 2014. Its just outside a comic book store. He’s originally from Toronto but he comes back to do a mural every once and awhile. Just recently he did one in October.
This photo is from December 2015 – that tag on the right has been cleaned up since.. The article (about the mural) says that the wall kept getting tagged and the store owner wanted mural to prevent the tagging on his wall. It appears like most of his other artwork with a well worn face character – this older woman on the left with another on the right. The smoke coming out of her cigarrette appears to be older men – one is holding a carton of milk. The characters are indicative of people in the area.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location
Elicser Elliott Temporary Artwork
After that previous picture I hiked up to the Toronto West Rail trail to find more art back on this day in 2015. There were still some construction going on and a lot of temporary art everywhere. The last time I went by here I didn’t see this artwork anywhere.
This is by Elicer Elliott.
Some of this artwork had been tagged as well.
Kizmet32 RealFranman Temporary Artwork
This collaboration between Gabriel Kizmet & Francis Pratt was still at this location when I went by this summer.
This artwork basically just covers up construction sites. I honestly, don’t know what they do with it after the construction is complete. I guess if it wasn’t tagged it could still be hung up at another location.
Raccoon on Pole
Unknown artist who did that raccoon the pole leading up to the overpass
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location
Portuguese Fish Market Mural
This mural is at the back of what is a Portuguese Fish Market. You can’t enter it from this location – its just the back of the building. I don’t know who did this mural either .. I found some pictures of it that go as far back as 2012.. Its a really beautiful mural and perfect for the location. I will have to do some research on this one. I’ve seen something similar as a store in Portugal Village.
Winter Solstice Graffiti
At the time there was some graffiti in the area. This was just written in simple chalk on the wall. I thought it was interesting at the time.
YULE: Light, Wisdom, Goodwill & Introspection. Days start getting longer Dec 21. Goddesses: Cerridwen, Frigga, Demeter, La Befana. GODS: ODIN, HOLLY KING, HORUS, SATURN..
This year the first day of winter is Dec 19th !
Love Yourself OK Graffiti
Sometimes graffiti has a nice message to it. This one I liked and I noticed it again when I came to this location in the summer.
In Pussy We Trust Graffiti
Cat “In Pussy We Trust” Spino graffiti. There were a whole bunch of tags back in 2015 with ‘Spino‘. They have since stopped. This graffiti was still there in the summer but it was tagged over.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location