Women Paint Mural Artwork

Women Paint Mural Artwork by very different and creative women. Stephanie Barrios Bellefleur with latino roots and Chief Lady Bird indigenous artwork


Toronto Female Street Artists

???? by Stephanie Barrios Bellefleur @bellefleurhaus who was so nice to pose for me yesterday afternoon. It was great to chat with her and meet her family as well.

Women Paint Mural Artwork Belle

Here she is posing with her mural in the laneway for the Women Paint Toronto project.

She has a feature in this months issue of Latinos Magazine (page 44) which describes her as an ’emerging artist from Venezuela”. The article says she grew up in Saskatchewan that her mother and grandmother are also visual artists.

Looking at her account she is currently working a massive project painting a bridge. I passed over the bridge on the weekend and its been painted blue with interesting designs. I will have to swing by again.. I can’t believe what a huge undertaking that is.

Congratulations Stephanie


???? by Ogimaa Kwe Bnes @chiefladybird with her sister Monique Aura @auralast. I didn’t get to meet Monique, unfortunately on Sunday. However, she was texting her sister when I was chatting, so as she said “she was kind of there”

Women Paint Mural Artwork - Chief Ladybird

This is a portrait photo of Chief Lady Bird posing in front of the mural that they worked on together. I hope that she doesn’t mind that I posted her photo with her eyes closed. The mother and child have their eyes closed in the mural, so I thought it was suitable in this situation.

Her sister wrote about the mural on her account and I will quote “Motherhood extends far beyond the parent and child relationship, it is our relationship to the land | relationship to self, much like looking into the lake when the water is still. A reflection of a womxn and a child. ” Monique has a fairly lengthy explanation of the mural on her account. Its probably best to let her tell you about her work.


It is a beautiful work of art. I’m always captivated by color and the colors work well in this thought provoking mural.



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