Toronto Street Art & Graffiti featuring Alex Bacon Butterfly Burner Collaboration
found in alleyway in downtown core; other artwork including ‘love’ mural
Alex Bacon & Smug Butterfly
One of those days where I kept going in the wrong direction and I had to keep backtracking.
I cut through this alley thinking I would get back faster (less busy in spots like this). Was not expecting to find any art at all down there. It’s mostly just the backs of condo developments in this laneway.
I get halfway down and found a whole slew of art.. and by some artists that I recognized..
including this butterfly by @vizsla_bacon. There was a graffiti burner to the right of this and it seems to be a collaboration with another artist who goes by “Smug”.
Couldn’t get all of it in one photo because its a really narrow spot.. but was exciting to find this today.
Alex Bacon & Smug Graffiti Burner
This is the Graffiti burner that flows from the butterfly
Love Mural
This is in the same alleyway. Just the words ‘Love’ written all over the wall. So simple but so nicely done. Appears to be fairly recent as the date is 10.07.2017
KPS Mural
Another graffiti burner with lettering. Like the colors of this one. Seems to be signed by KPS and the date is 2016.
Defy Neko Mural by Alex Bacon and Kem5
Another graffiti burner in the same alleyway. Signed by Alex Bacon and another artist who goes by Kem5. Don’t know what all the words say.. but I can make out “Defy Neko” on the upper right hand side. The bottom left seems to say “Vanessa”
Construction site
This the construction site where all this art is nearby. That is why I wasn’t expecting to find any street art around — as its all under construction. Hopefully, all this artwork will remain intact.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location
that piece is by Insight. he put up his friend Bacon on the piece as they do.
Thanks for letting me know Cathryn ! Much Appreciated !