Christmas Themed Post Aerosol Tags Sidewalk Chalk

First of all Merry Christmas Everyone !

I tried to come up with a Christmas themed street art post but there really wasn’t any to post. Since Christmas is obviously seasonal – it wouldn’t make sense to have mural all year around with a Christmas them. As far as my post – this is the best that I could come up with.

Santa Claus Garage Door Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Street Art Graffiti

These Santa Claus faces were on a couple of garage doors two years ago. I found them in a back alley on December 10th 2015. I haven’t seen them since as they got painted over. I can understand the homeowners getting ticked off seeing that on their garage door.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

CityTv News Segment about Graffiti

That Santa Claus aerosol tag made me google Toronto graffiti and I found this CityTv news clip about tagging. I would agree with that information about the huge spike in graffiti tags this year. I have seen so many murals and sculptures tagged its really upsetting. I’ve taken pictures of the tags but I don’t like to encourage the tagging on murals.

Global News Segment about Graffiti

That CityTV news story about graffiti reminded me of this news clip from Global News a week ago. That photographer George Pimentel caught that tagger right on his security camera.

Jieun June Kim Mural Tagged

This mural by Jieun June Kim was tagged 6 days ago and nearby where the photographer caught the taggers. June has repaired it since.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Dundas West BIA Mural Tagged

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This mural by Jose Ortega for the Dundas West BIA Mural was tagged back in May and still hasn’t been repaired. The Global News clip shows that mural which reminded me of this photo that I took back on May 13th. If these murals don’t get repaired it just encourages more taggers to put more graffiti on it.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Back to my Christmas Post

Chalk Art Street Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This is the kinda graffiti that I really like. Its done in chalk ! I found that 2 years ago on the sidewalk and its by some children. It must have taken them forever to do that with all the different colors. Very creative kids.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Winter Solstice Chalk

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

That chalk reminded me of this from two years ago as well – that I already posted. Its chalk again dealing with winter solstice. Chalk is good ! Its not permanent and still gets its message across.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Master Mechanic Snowman

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

These tires with art painted are outside the Master Mechanic shop in High Park. The garage brings them out every year for Christmas.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Toronto Christmas Market Snowmen

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Street Art Graffiti

These are from two years ago in the Toronto Christmas Market. They seemed a little touristy to me.. but then again it is a tourist area. You were supposed to pose with them for your Instagram account and hashtag them.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

They repainted the snowmen this year. These are the ones that I saw in November

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

Merry Christmas Sign

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Merry Christmas painted on a sign outside a cafe from two years ago. Happy Holidays Everyone !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location

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