Dr. Seuss Aerosol Wall Mural

Dr. Seuss Aerosol Wall Mural outside smoke shop in downtown Toronto. This graffiti has been around but I don’t know who to credit for this awesome artwork


Dr. Seuss Aerosol Wall Mural

I was looking for Clove Cigarettes today.. – no tobacco or tar.. ‘cos I quit smoking again.

I went to a health food store — because they used to sell them there. Well, now they don’t.. you can only buy them online.. However, the lady at the health food store said to go to this smoke shop and they probably would have them there.

Well.. guess what ? ! they did ! Tropical Paradise Blend to be exact..and Cinnamon 2.

As I left – I walked down the alley and found a whole bunch of art that I had never seen before.. including this mural which is apart of another mural that has ‘The Cat and the Hat’ with an Aerosol spray can pointed at a burner….

It’s thing #1 and thing #2 !

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

& I will dedicate this to fellow NYC Urban Explorer @ninjasimoneinbk ..

‘cos she’s cool AF !!!

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

There is a Cat In the Hat a little further down to the right (still haven’t seen that movie).

This cat in the alleyway is holding up a spray can and there is a graffiti burner in the middle. Its too hard to shoot the burner because of the wall behind.



(PS. Let Me Know who did this one – It says Chuck on one side)


@missladyoops said its Chuck and Wysper production – but I can’t find anything about this one – neither online or on Instagram

I didn’t see all the art until after I left the shop. I should have inquired about this. I will ask the next time that I go in.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

There is also a Bugs Bunny on the north side of the building. I noticed the Bugs Bunny back in the spring.. but didn’t think to go around the alley until yesterday. I would have found all this art as well.



Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found at this Location :






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