You are currently viewing Jerry Rugg Massive Bird Mural

Jerry Rugg Massive Bird Mural

Jerry Rugg Massive Wall Mural in downtown Toronto. Incredible artwork by Birdo who did this over the summer, bird over 5 storeys high in back parking lot


Jerry Rugg aka Birdo Massive Wall Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Managed to finally see this today by @jerryrugg aka Birdo .

I’ve seen it from a streetcar passing by ..but never in person..

Its really amazing to view – I think its his largest mural ever – over 5 storeys high.

I took several photos of it with my Iphone & got the dreaded “Not Enough Storage” message. I had to stop & delete a bunch of music that I really haven’t listened to in a long time. It was definitely worth it.

Stunningly massive/captivating !

This is in parking lot at the back of a location with lots of buildings about the same height. I used to live around the corner from here. The neighbourhood has really transformed in the last 10 years. Lots & lots of condo towers. Even though the building seems high.. there are structures over 30 stories high all around this downtown spot.

Its awesome to Birdo get the recognition that he deserves.. he’s been working really hard over the last few years. His talent is obvious. I think I’ve posted every single 1 of his murals over the last 2 years… (all the ones that I have seen)

Coincidentally, I found 2 of his other murals just an hour before this. I decided to go left & found a garage door that he did & after that I found another …simply because I decided to go left again.. funny how that happens.

Glad that Birdo is getting the success that he deserves.. Tonight he was at an event for @seawalls_ which an an artivism project dedicated to raising awareness of the Oceans including the Great Lakes.. Their tag is “Artists for Oceans”.

The event that he was apart of was for Rod Stewart who passed a year ago .. dedicating his life to that cause 4 oceans – he was an inspiring person.. they say this “Conservation is the preservation of human life on Earth, and that, above all else, is worth fighting for” Rob Stewart | @teamsharkwater


Dedicating this to People of Florida.. where Rob Passed Unfortunately.. So Sad…

Thoughts are with You ! Stay Safe Everyone !


Toronto Graffiti Artwork found at this Location

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