June Garage Door Finds + Murals
I’m catching up with my garage door finds. Some of these I had already posted but I figured I should do them chronologically. Sorry if my site is a little ramshackle.. but I’m just posting what I’m interested in. I hope you are 2 !
June 4th
Sorry Not Sorry Graffiti
I think I’ve been passing this for a few years now.. the ‘gay…’ is a recent add on.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
Colin Makes Art Mural
I’ve posted this before.. but I like how it’s a mural of a laneway in a laneway.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 7th
Mediah Mural
This is inside of Graffiti Alley
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 9th
Birdo Horse Mural
One I have posted.. it’s really beautiful.
Words Tend to Be Inadequate
Stencil artist who’s work is in inconspicuous locations.
Tree Mural
Someone tagged “jever’ on it.
J Chiale
One I posted previously.
Another by Peru143 that I posted earlier.
Fuck Bitches Get Money Graffiti
So nice.. hmmm
Wunder Mural
Looks to be the work of Mike Kennedy.
Erica Balon Mural
It was hard to get a photo without that car in front.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 11
Bkez Mural
Mural from 2017 that was apart of Women Paint Toronto
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
Graffiti Poetry
Not sure what this was all about.. It was only there for less than a day before it got rubbed out.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
Ninja Turtles Wheatpaste
I think I posted this.. and it’s still there !
June 18
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 19th
Alex Bacon Mural
I posted this by Alex Bacon before.. it looks amazing.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
Ness Lee & Jerry Rugg Collaboration
They have done a few collabs together now.
Car Stickers
The entire back of this car was covered in stickers.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 20
Timmy Drift Garage Door Mural
I posted this earlier.
Erica Balon Mural
This was right beside the Timmy Drift mural
B&W Timmy Drift Mural
This was interesting.. I haven’t seen this artist use black and white before. Looks like it was done back in 2014
& Mural
I thought that mural was very unique.. it’s just Ampersands on the door.
Time Never Cares Graffiti
Time Never Cares if Your There Or Not
Think for Yourself Graffiti
Think for Yourself Graffiti
I think I will think for myself.. thank you garage door !
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 22
REvolution Graffiti
‘revolution’ no longer means siezing power’ Typo included. !
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 29
Love in English Mural
Love In Greek Mural
Love In Russian Mural
All these doors had the word love written in different languages.
Birdo & Wales Mural
I posted this one before
Dudemanart Mural
There was a car parked in front unfortunately.
Andre Castro
I ended up seeing Andre working live twice after I found this mura.
Toronto Street Art Graffiti Found Here:
June 30
416 Getsofacto Mural
There was mural by EnMasse and Birdo here before.. but it got tagged. This is the replacement by Getsofacto.
Spudbomb Mural
This was apart of another “Wall Expressions” project that Brooke Somerleigh organized. I think this might have been her first one in 2012.
Birdo Mural
This was apart of “Wall Expressions“.
Bribe Fence Mural
I’m going to end with one that I don’t know who it’s by !