Komi Olaf Kalkidan Assefa Collaboration

???? “The Band of Storytellers”

by Komi Olaf @komiolaf & Kalkidan Assefa @drippin_soul ????

I took this picture awhile back ..but I wanted to know more about it before I posted it.. so I am going to copy this information right from Komi’s Instagram – I hope he doesn’t mind:

“The band of storytellers is an Afrofuturistic interpretation of the past. It features seven fictitious blue characters dressed as musicians, each playing a different instrument in a hall.

The site, locally known as the Brunswick House building was founded in 1876. The theme of the painting seeks to represent and honour the musical history of this heritage building, by laying focus on Albert’s Hall era.

The juxtaposition of the cartoon looking characters, the musical elements and colours will draw onlookers to the piece and brighten their day.”

So great and it did brighten my day ! ???? ????

Komi Olaf Bio

“Komi Olaf is a visual artist, poet and architectural designer who is best known for his ability to represent, both visually and poetically, the complexities of the world and generation he finds himself within. In recent years, Komi’s art has been shaped by a cultural and artistic movement known as Afrofuturism, which explores African and African diasporic cultures in intersection with technology.”

Kalkidan Assefa Bio

“I am a multidisciplinary artist specializing in figurative and iconographic paintings and murals. As a muralist I have successfully completed projects for a variety of clients and stakeholders including the City of Ottawa, City of Toronto, Vanier BIA, Byward Market BIA, Ottawa Art Gallery, as well as many private commissions and community murals. “

Komi has more information about it on his account.. it’s really interesting and a great collaboration.


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