You are currently viewing Late December 2020 Urban Exploration Finds
Jever & Enter Graffiti Burner

Late December 2020 Urban Exploration Finds

Late December 2020 Street Art Finds

Last of the finds from a horrible year. Hopefully 2021 will bring better everything for everyone !

Stay Safe and Stay Strong !

Adrian Hayles Bell Box Mural

A fairly new Bell Box mural by Adrian Hayles. Adrian does a lot of portraits of musicians.. and this is according to Wiki

“Buffy Sainte Marie is an Indigenous Canadian-American singer-songwriter, musician, Oscar-winning composer, visual artist,[1] educator, pacifist, and social activist. “


Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Jever & Enter Graffiti Burner

Found these in a tucked away alley off Spadina. All around Chinatown you will find some of the best street art and graffiti.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Unknown Portrait Mural

This street art is at the entrance of a new cannabis shop.. When I went to take a picture they thought I was trying to skip the line.

CSI Tree Mural

This mural is outside the Centre for Social Innovation.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

MSKA Graffiti

From awhile back a MSKA mural in graffiti alley.

SKAM Graffiti Burner

The OG Skam in graffiti alley.

Mike Salisbury Graffiti Art

In the middle of Graffiti Alley Mike placed a few of these paste ups with this face and a QR code. There’s a huge face on the back of a door that is incredible to see in person.

Anyway.. when you scan the code.. it leads to:

“Self Portrait of Isolation (in the virtual world)”

He has a couple of other art installations in and around Graffiti Alley – including one with a real phone booth !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Bruno Smoky Mural

This by Bruno Smoky is on the other side of graffiti alley that no one seems to explore.

Uber5000 Mural

Bruno and Uber5000 did this jam a couple of years ago. It looks pretty fresh !

Cat Mural

There are many pieces in this part of graffiti alley.. but this one stands out.

Sight Street Art

He goes by Scieter online but he uses Sight in the streets.

Street Art Collab

Not sure the history of this wall.. looks like the contribution of many street artists over the years.

Street Art Mural

This street art mural changes every once in awhile. No idea who the artist is.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

White Squirrel Sculpture

Been noticing sculptures a lot lately.. this one is on the grounds of CAMH. Its by Brandon Vickerd and there is an article about it on their website.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Punch Graffiti

Found that inside the Organic Garage.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

EnMasse Street Art

All the best ! πŸ₯‚

& From the En Masse Project website :

“EN MASSE is a multi-artist collaborative drawing project that creates boldly black-and-white works of public art; underlining the power of shared creativity, and the building of strong communities through effective communication.

We create embodied learning spaces where participants from all walks of life come together to support cooperation, not compromise…where different points of view are celebrated as strengths, not weaknesses.

EN MASSE emphasizes process as being far more valuable than the final product, and invites participants to find the courage to actively listen and work together through a process designed to remind us of our dreams, to affirm, and to reinforce our deeply human need to belong. “


Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here: