You are currently viewing Lisa Simpson Lizard Queen Mural

Lisa Simpson Lizard Queen Mural

Lisa Simpson Lizard Queen Mural


Found outside former store in west end Toronto. Aerosol spray artwork all over the front of the windows. Very well done.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

The Lizard Queen by @chrispperez for a street festival on Bloor St. The festival was back in July and it was called Big on Bloor. I never went, but I wish I had known about it before now.

The whole front of what I think, once was a used appliance storefront – it’s all covered in art now. There’s some flowers to the right and the door entrance has Lisa Simpson in the corner. Chris did a mural that I posted in the spring of roses all along the side of a restaurant.

I was trying to remember this particular Simpsons episode.. (these shows are repeated so often on TV). I had to google it. It was from the episode called “Selma’s Choice” aired originally in 1993. Lisa has a hallucination after drinking water and she says “I am the Lizard Queen”.

I think Lisa is the Simpsons character I identify with the most. She seems to be into the arts, more than the other characters. Hard to believe that show has been on for so long. The influence of that tv show is phenomenal, so many artists pay tribute to it with their artwork. Going through this artist’s Instagram account there are a lot of posts with Simpsons characters.

Happy Weekend Everyone from the Lizard Queen

 Here are the photos of the storefront. You can see that the windows are now covered with this floral design.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Check out this artist’s website


Toronto Street Art found at this location:

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