More Butterfly Laneway Mural Project
This will be my final Butterfly Laneway Project 2019 organized by Nick Sweetman

He had a ‘celebration’ last Friday.. (which – I didn’t attend unfortunately)
Tomorrow, Friday, September 20, the David Suzuki Foundation, StreetArt Toronto, LiveGreen Toronto and local residents, groups and schools will be welcoming runners from the international Monarch Ultra relay race to Toronto. The Monarch Ultra is a 4,300-kilometre relay run from Canada to Mexico, following the migratory route of the monarch butterfly. The event will also celebrate over 30 butterfly-themed murals that were painted by Toronto artists this summer with the support of StreetArtTO. There will be a short presentation by the Monarch Ultra team, a ribbon cutting for the laneway and a short song and monarch butterfly release. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
WHO: Monarch Ultra, David Suzuki Foundation, StreetArt Toronto, LiveGreen Toronto and author Carol Pasternak
WHEN: Starting at 10am. Brief comments followed by a song and monarch butterfly release
WHERE: The celebration will be held in the laneway adjacent to Art Eggleton Park, 323 Harbord Street, Toronto
I guess it’s best to go alphabetical:
A Man Called SPAZZ Mural

Not sure why this one by Spazz is an airplane.. but it’s in the butterfly laneway..
Andre Kan Mural

I managed to see Andre Kan in action this year.. (I’ve actually run into him a few times this year just last Friday).
ArtChild Mural

I never saw ArtChild working on this mural. I seem to have just missed him every time.
Chris Perez Mural

Another artist that I didn’t get a chance to see this year.
Tone2 Mural

This artist goes by Tone2 but he also goes by ‘c_mack2.0‘ on Instagram
DudeMan Mural

I didn’t even know that Dudeman was going to be apart of this project.
There is a bulldozer parked in front of this now so I can’t get a picture of the final result. Dang that bulldozer !
FlipsBsc Mural

Another Swirly Good Magic by FlipsBsc can be found in the laneway.
ImBuringOut Mural

This artist goes by “ImBuringOut” on Instagram. He seems to be a graffiti writer by going through his account.
LuvSumone Mural

I got some good pictures on LuvSumone finishing up his mural. This was a collab between him and Javid Jah.
He got married just a couple of weeks ago by the way ! Congrats to him and his wife !
Oriah Scott Mural

This fence by painted by street artist Oriah Scott. I’ve heard that fences are a little more difficult to paint.
Raynr Mural

This butterfly mural is by an artist who goes by Raynr. I can not find any information about them.
Still Hungry Mural

This is another artist who I wasn’t familiar with until this project.. He goes by ‘Still Hungry‘ on Instagram.
SpyOne & Tensoe2 Mural

Finally a collaboration between SpyOne and Mr Tensoe