Observing life Emmanuel Jarus

Aerosol spray art mural

Another one that I have seen on here by @youngjarus “Emmanuel Jarus Observing life Says on his account: “Started something in Toronto I’ll have to try and finish when I get back. ☀ excited for a little trip to Atlanta with the dude @_idrawalot see you there man✌✈✨” Its from 2015

Its just a short walk away from the previous one that I posted. It’s in the most remote location. I have walked by this intersection hundreds of times and never realized it was in this tucked away in this corner beside a parking lot. If I hadn’t have seen the previous one by Nick Sweetman I would never have passed it. .

The sunlight was streaking down the side of this one in the late afternoon. but it kinda of adds to it. .

@dirkberserk was asking me if their were any men in the street art that I have seen… and… here we have do a guy… with ‘something’ in his hand. Kinda looking sly .. That’s what is amazing about this work… is his ability to capture people in their ‘moments’

I was also thinking thinking to myself – it must be really cool to have yourself immortalized in one of these larger than life murals.. When you pass it you can say… “Hey.. thats me ! “

Another of his several portraits of people that he has done all around the city. This one has a lot of cars parked in front. Its best to go on a Sunday to be honest, that’s the day that seems to have the least amount of cars parked in front of theses murals

There is a fire escape right behind this and if its not covered in snow you can climb the stairs to get a better capture of this aerosol spray amazing mural..

Art Mural discovered at this Toronto location:

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