You are currently viewing Utility Boxes Tak Bui & Muisca

Utility Boxes Tak Bui & Muisca

Utility Boxes by Tak Bui & Muisca in Parkdale, Toronto. One street artist is originally from North Vietnam while the other is from Columbia, both original



From June 6th by Tak Bui… he’s not on instagram.. but its another box.. but this one was for the Parkdale festival back then.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Found his website though

Says “Tak Bui was born in 1950 in a small hamlet in North Vietnam near the end of the French colonial occupation in South East Asia. His father, a school teacher uprooted the family from the rural war zone to escape to Hanoi when Tak was an infant. It took his mother a week to reach the capital carrying him in a basket balanced over her shoulder. Four years later, as Ho-Chi-Minh took over the north, his family once again abandoned everything and resettled in the southern capital of Saigon” .. .
“He was a member of the Canadian Cartoonists Association and of the National Cartoonist Society. Tak has won awards for illustrations from the Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators. Currently he serves on the Advisory Board for the Fundamental Arts program at Seneca College.

Tundra Books/Random House published Tak’s latest children’s book “Spot the Difference” in2012.” .



Throwback from May 25th… art by @_muisca_ Daniela Rocha

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

She writes this about it on her account .
“????Frida pintaba flores para que no murieran…yo pinto gatos por que quiero uno ????Miau! Diseños inspirados en figuras precolombinas y en lo que veo en mis viajes. Tambien como siempre, la hojita de ayo presente ???? Bomba de colores en Toronto!???? ”

Google translate says “????Frida painted flowers so they would not die … I paint cats because I want one ????Miau! Designs inspired by pre-Columbian figures and what I see in my travels. Also, as always, the present day gift ???? Colorful bomb in Toronto! ????” .
I like how emojis translate.. ! As does her art.. amazing colors.. it really stands out on a grey and raining day.. I left that umbrella there.. ???? because I really don’t like touching things that other people tossed on the ground.. also.. it reminded me of that particular day..️ lots of rain.. This picture also ended up foreshadowing summer.. just lots and lots of rain.. with lots and lots of broken and discarded umbrella… .
People have been asking me if I am looking forward to autumn.. I just shrug my head and say we’ve already had 3 months of autumn.. Oh well. maybe next summer will be better..☀️ _________


Toronto Graffiti Streetart found at this location

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