Alderwood Street Art Finds
Haven’t been up this way in a long time. I used to live in this area and there wasn’t much as far as street art back in the day. But I did manage to stumble on a few pieces. Lots of new street art in the form of street furniture – ie Bell Boxes and traffic signal boxes for Outside the Box
Nelly Paints Traffic Signal Box
The tag on the traffic signal box is for another Instagram account — so it was a little confusing. But I did manage to find and credit the real Nelly !

Nelly SurReal Torossian is a Toronto artist who I met when she was painting alongside Phillip Cote. She was the assistant to a mural just off of Roncy.
Looks like this traffic signal box was painted back in June of 2021 and she says on her Instagram that it was in honour or Black Lives Matter !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Yasamanmehrsa Bell Box Mural
Amazing piece by Yasamanmehrsa right on the Lakeshore. Bell Box Murals even used a photo of her working on the piece for the call for submissions back in 2021.
Didn’t realize that she painted this BellBox back in August 2020. And it is a Red-Tailed Hawk which is one of the birds that you will see all over the downtown core.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Natalie Very B Traffic Signal Box
This artist goes by Natalie Very B and she painted this traffic signal box in April of 2022.

She uses these colors a lot.. but not exclusively. Natalie is one of the artists that created the Neighbourhood Love campaign back in October 2020
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Julia Antohi Traffic Signal Box
Titled simply Patio Table this traffic signal box is by Julia Antohi. Looks like it was painted back in 2017 and for the Outside the Box program.

I like the cheese and mouse trap on the bottom – that is a nice touch by Julia.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Getsofacto Bell Box Mural

I would never have guess that this was by Getsofacto. It is unsigned and doesn’t look like the murals that I have seen him do downtown. This was painted back in August of 2020.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Jieun June Kim Traffic Signal Box

I don’t normally like to show tagged street art.. but I wanted to point out the dust and dirt on this one. Looks like Jieun June Kim painted this way back in May of 2019 ! There was construction there.. so hopefully it has been cleaned up since !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Tania Willard Union Station Artwork

This obviously isn’t in Alderwood.. but I thought it was interesting.
When you get to Union Station they change the artwork on the main level right near the lounge. Last year they had these photography pieces by Tania Willard on display. It was a series of digital images that explore value according to the ArtWorx Site. She is an artist from the Secwepemc Nation.