June Garage Door Finds + Murals
https://youtu.be/99ri_IRGwzs June Garage Door Finds + Murals I'm catching up with my garage door finds. Some of these I had already posted but I figured I should do them chronologically.…
Graffiti Tagging Paste Ups pictures from Toronto, Canada. These are pictures taken of what I consider real graffiti or tagging. Most of images are taken in back alleys in the last couple of years.
Although, I have included few on the sides of trains I am not sure that they fit into this category. However, graffiti is usually considered an illegal activity so the pictures included here would fall into that category.
A great deal of the street art graffiti found here would be classified as humurous although, some people might not share the taggers view of humour.
Bombing and tagging sometimes occurs on the sides of abandoned places usually building that are going to be demolished.
Many people frown on this form of street art but it really is the original form and a lot of the ‘legitimate’ mural artists generally get their start by doing this form of expression.
https://youtu.be/99ri_IRGwzs June Garage Door Finds + Murals I'm catching up with my garage door finds. Some of these I had already posted but I figured I should do them chronologically.…
https://youtu.be/qQFuhk5_l0M Feel Good Lane Alleyway Mural Project This art project was happening just this past weekend. Murals were painted over graffiti that were all over garage doors. This location overlooks…
May Garage Door Finds Part Two https://youtu.be/lw-q4_zBJTM Here is part two. I'm getting a lot better at sorting all these photos. Some months I take so many pictures it takes…
https://youtu.be/_lj8vUsBe4g May Garage Door Finds Part One I've going to split this into two parts like I did for April.. I found a lot of stuff at the beginning of…
April Garage Door Finds Part Two https://youtu.be/DbeDK5VlemI I'm a little late with my second instalment of my finds from the end of April. The snow finally melted and my ankle…
???? "Mural in Progress" by @luvsumone ???? Ummm... So I was walking home Saturday afternoon... taking my semi-normal route.. when I see this awesome artwork. I'm like "hey that's new"…
Garage Door Mural Finds April 2018 These are all from the first part of April. I was just recouping from a broken ankle so I was covering as much territory…
Little Starchild Sticker Slap LittleStarChild is an artist who is based out of Montreal. When she comes to Toronto she leaves some of her sticker slaps around. A lot of…
Graffiti Street Art Highlights These are all from March of 2016. Some of the photos turned out better than others. March isn't the best time of year for urban exploration.…
Toronto Graffiti Tumblr Page I started a Tumblr blog to archive all my graffiti and street art photos. I've been batching them by months. I didn't really get started about…
???? ???? by JDL & GM ???????? I found that mural with the tanks last week in an alleyway that I had never been down before.. (I found some really…
???? by Alex Bacon @vizsla_bacon ♠️ ???? by Alex Bacon This picture is from April 8th of 2018.. but he did this mural about a year ago.. The first time…
???? by I think @alapinta.cl ???????? It's hard to read from my picture.. but it says "Alapinta" "Chile 2016" on the upper right hand side of this mural.…
???? Foo Dog Mural by @brunosmoky These are two Fish with a 'Foo Dog'.. by Bruno Smoky which I had to look up.. wiki says "Chinese guardian lions or Imperial…
Graffit Artwork at Dufferin Mall by I do not know Unknown Artist Wall Artwork Dufferin Mall I passed this graffiti again this evening ... I saw this originally back at…