Ben Johnston & Trevor Wheatley Mural

Keep Going by typography duo Ben Johnston and Trevor Wheatley. They have worked together on a lot of mural all over the city.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
ShitShow Graffiti

Another Shitshow45 find on Adelaide Street !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Half Decent Murals

Found two Half Decent murals in graffiti alley. His latest artwork is in black and white.

And his Instagram account is also in black and white

The third mural is actually off of Spadina but they kinda seem to go together.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Kevin Ledo Mural

Managed to get a good photo of this Kevin Ledo mural.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Sticker Graffiti Art

Also fun to find some new stickers !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Flips Mural

This mural was painted back when the Raptors won the basketball championship. It had been tagged and Flips painted his addition to the mural.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Lady Mural

Noticed this new mural tucked on a door in the back of an alley.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Beaver Queer Bar Mural

This is kinda of a bittersweet story. For years I had been trying to get a picture of this mural without any garbage cans in front. I refuse to remove any umm well.. refuse for any picture ! I’ve seen to many rats in these alleys.
Anyway, this is the back of a Queer bar that I hung out at for years and years. It was even voted the best LGBTQ bar as recently as 2019. It wasn’t really my fave bar but my friends live close by so it was usually the warm up bar or sometimes the bar we went to afterwards. Or sometimes it was just the bar we went to before going to someone’s place.
Long story short the bar closed last year because of the pandemic and the endless lock downs. Normally, this place would be filled with party goers over the Pride Weekend. Long line ups and drag shows plus Djs who were way cooler than you. Even though I’m not particularly hip.. some of my friends are and this was the place to hang out. Sometimes we even got to rub shoulders with some local celebs here. I used to smoke and that back patio behind the fence was the place I rushed to after getting a beer.
Unfortunately, its all gone now and its like they say ‘you don’t know what you got to its gone’. Personally, I blame the lack of leadership – municipal, provincially and federally for the way this pandemic was handled. Too many lockdowns and very little support for businesses like this.
I was trying not to get political but one of the most powerful things you can do is VOTE. So VOTE for better leaders in upcoming elections because the ones we have right now have failed us all !
Back to the mural: I honestly do not know who this artwork is by. I always thought it was of Bette Page with her famous bangs. There is another mural inside but I always loved this one more. On the left someone drew a pink heart and you can’t read the inscription above.. but it reads like this:
“art is where the heart is”
So true !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Look Paint Graffiti

Everyone can see !
Knee Jerk Mural

Found this gem in this alleyway in Kensington Market.
Ness Lee Mural

The art gallery that was there looks to be no more.. but the Ness Lee mural is still there !
Niizhokwe Mural

Noticed this mural by Niizhokwe tucked away in another alley.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Collaborate Mural
I’ve shown the photos of these murals many times before – sometimes video is more interesting.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Orek Graffiti

Legendary graffiti artist Orek is back at work !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Hey Apathy Graffiti

Terrific Hey Apathy graffiti mural on Nassau.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Hey Cutie Kirbs Wheatpaste Graffiti

Only recently did I find out who the artist is that had been wheat pasting Garfield all over town!
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Julii McMillo Mural

Beautiful artwork by Julii McMillo !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Donay Coughlin Mural

This used to have an Mondrian inspired mural on the back of this space. Well now its this !
Karen Roberts Mural
By complete accident I found this incredible mural by Karen Roberts !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Yoda Sticker Art
Its a bunch of stickers with Baby Yoda !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Chicken Wheat Paste Graffiti

This has got to be one of the strangest things I have found over the past 6 years. I will just let you decide what’s going on here.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Be Better Mural

Outside the gym is some inspiration in the form of this mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
CatsHateRules Mural

Recently, CatsHateRules followed me on Instagram ! They really do hate rules !
Leyland Adams Mural

Bob Marley mural in graffiti alley by Leyland Adams.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
You Miss Mural

Another mural that I was able to get a better picture of because of the lack of cars parked in front of it.
Tenser Mural

The garbage in front of this mural by Tenser has been clean up since.
Ojibway Mural

Another alley find !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located:
Uber500 Mural

Finishing off this post with Uber500. As you can see there were no cars around and its amazing to get some great pictures of all these murals !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Located: