Nicolas Alfalfa & Valll Mural
???? by Nicolas Alfalfa @a_l_f_a_l_f_a & Valll @lapupila999
He’s back ! I ran into Nicolas Alfalfa twice last summer.. and then he went travelling around the globe to places like Tatarstan, Mexico and Germany !
Now he’s been back for two weeks and I found him painting with his partner in the middle of Graffiti Alley !
They do this all with a regular paintbrush ????️. Very time consuming.. but the results are amazing.

The first two pictures are of them working on their latest piece..
The third is a mural that they did just last week..

I’ll quote this from his Instagram post:
“First mural done together, mixing techniques, based on one of her designs.
Nicolas Alfalfa
She worked on the faces, I took care of the hair.
For me the piece is about duality, how several heads do live inside our heads, and struggle to live together..”
Welcome Back !
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Nicolas Alfalfa Deer Mural

This one by Nicolas is at the entrance to a restaurant called ‘The Parlour’. I dont’ know much about this place other than they serve pizza. A lady was handing out free slices when I walked by.
The mural is in a alley and appears to be a deer. There is not mention of it on his Instagram account.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Nicolas Alfalfa Insect Art

I couldn’t get a very good photo of this one. It’s in one of the containers at Stack Market.
He sells prints of this image and used it for the promotional material for his art show in the spring.
Human Bee” A tribute to my grandma, rural teacher, palm reader and witch, who’s emblem was the bee.
Nicolas Alfalfa
Amongst other meanings related to the place where it is located: handcraft work, team work and resilience.
Finished just few hours before leaving Toronto two weeks ago at @stacktmarket.
I didn’t have the time to edit the pictures, so here they are, just a few hours before flying back to Toronto