Orange in the new black advertising mural off of Church St. Its a pasteup and you can see in this picture that the rain hasn’t been kind to this billboard
Original artwork by local artist Ness Lee

Found this today.. and thought that there used to be a billboard advertisement in this same spot. I used to live off of this street so I know the area really well.
It’s says Standup and had the hashtag #oitnb on it that I googled and its for the new season of @oitnb which, is of course a show on Netflix. They did another mural last year right across from an old apartment of mine for the show Get Down (still haven’t seen that one). Its by @nessleee a local artist who says “Ness Lee is a noodle lovin’ pot stickin’ son-of-a-bun from Toronto, Ontario.” Which, is good enough for me ! And Ness just did I Colab with Jerry Rugg that I can’t wait to see.
I guess this sort of straddles the line …is it art ? is it advertising ? is it both ? does it matter? I didn’t care for the show .. but I really like this mural ! Apparently, there are 8 cities in the world with this character by different local artists.
Very clever campaign !
Billboard artwork photo captured on 05/21/17 at this Toronto location
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