Kensington Sign

Finally ! I found this sign ! I have seen so many photos of this on Instagram but I didn’t realize where it actually is. Didn’t realize that the sign was in the above ground parking lot. Mystery solved. Personally, I thought there might be some cool street art on the roof. But nada – just a view of this cool sign and a nice view of the CN Tower.
Desire Betty Mural

Always look on the ground in Kensington market – there are usually some funky artwork for you to discover. This mural by Desire Betty says “Perpetual Freedom” on the top and “Heart of Kensington” on the bottom. Desire Betty was one of the artists selected for the 2018 version of Women Paint TO (located across from the AGO)
White Owl Mystic Wheat Paste Street Art

Last year an artist going by White Owl Mystic had postered all over the city. This was one of the color posters titled “Pour Me Into Frequency”. I can’t find their Instagram account anymore.. but I did find their website.
Jumble Face Wheat Paste Street Art

Another artist who works mostly in Wheat Paste is JumbleFace. You can find a lot of his artwork all over the city – but he has a large selection in Kensington.
ShitShow45 Graffiti

Kensington market is full of street art and graffiti. ShitShow 45 is an artist whose work can be found in Kensington and he works mostly in black and white.
Adeyemi Adegbesan Wheat Paste

Still on the Wheat Paste theme with this piece by Adeyemi Adegbesan who also goes by Yung Yemi. He was one of the artists who participated in the Paint in Black Event back in 2020.
From his website:
“Adeyemi is a self-taught artist whose practice incorporates photography, mixed media collage, murals and assemblage.”
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Alex Bacon Mural

Mr Bacon was supposed to paint this garage door for a street festival back in 2019. Something happened with the homeowner and only the outline of a rooster was created. About 3 years later Alex Bacon came back and did this completely new mural of wild cat.
Peru143 Mural

This mural by Peru143 is one of his largest in Toronto. He just recently did another larger mural in Montreal.
Alex Garant Mural

Mural by Alex Garant from 2019 that is still tag free !
Ben Johnston Design
A more recent mural by Ben Johnston Design appeared in this alleyway just below Argyle.
Whysper Street Art

This must be the first time that I’ve seen a solo mural by Whysper. Usually, Whysper is part of a group of artists that collaborate on large walls.
Bruho Sticker Slap Art

Always love finding a new Bruho sticker slap in the wild !
You can check out more of his work on his official website:
“Street artist by night, Bruho Stickerista mixes retro and contemporary images from pulp art and historical settings with a half-shaman, half-luchador hero called Bruho Stickerista. Find this art pasted globally in sticker poles and alleys”

Yikes.. can’t believe that someone took the time to paint all this misinformation on that wall.
Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:
Easy To Love Sticker Slap Art

This artist keep changing his Instagram and his name.. so I can’t give credit !
SBU ONE Sticker Slap Art

Cool to find another SBU ONE sticker slap in Toronto.
Street Art Against Hate Sticker Art

By now you probably have seen this “Street Art Against Hate” message on a lot of stickers. This movement was started in London back in 2018 and now covers the globe.
“In a weekend when a lot of new street art appeared in Shoreditch one creation particularly stood out, the new “Wall Of Love” from the #NoHate family of street artists.””