June Garage Door Finds + Murals
https://youtu.be/99ri_IRGwzs June Garage Door Finds + Murals I'm catching up with my garage door finds. Some of these I had already posted but I figured I should do them chronologically.…
Hand painted artwork photographs taken in the city of Toronto. I created a separate category for these apart from aerosol spray but sometimes the artist use both aerosol and regular paint.
I was suprised to find an artist that I met in the summer working on a utility box with just regular paint. They are treated after to protect them from the elements which is much neeed here in the winter months.
You can tell when an artist has done it with a paint brush as opposed to a spray can. There tends to be a lot more detail but it really depends on the artist themself.
I’ve notice that artist who work in very different environments like doing illustrations or graphic print will be found using just regular paint. Its just another canvas to put there work on.. its in a public form which is nice to have them sharing their talents.
https://youtu.be/99ri_IRGwzs June Garage Door Finds + Murals I'm catching up with my garage door finds. Some of these I had already posted but I figured I should do them chronologically.…
[quads id=RndAds] More of the artwork from last week organized by Brooke Somerleigh https://youtu.be/Qz2cJ3V-BAs Garage Door Murals Feel Good Lane Part 2 I couldn't get all the murals in one…
https://youtu.be/qQFuhk5_l0M Feel Good Lane Alleyway Mural Project This art project was happening just this past weekend. Murals were painted over graffiti that were all over garage doors. This location overlooks…
May Garage Door Finds Part Two https://youtu.be/lw-q4_zBJTM Here is part two. I'm getting a lot better at sorting all these photos. Some months I take so many pictures it takes…
https://youtu.be/_lj8vUsBe4g May Garage Door Finds Part One I've going to split this into two parts like I did for April.. I found a lot of stuff at the beginning of…
April Garage Door Finds Part Two https://youtu.be/DbeDK5VlemI I'm a little late with my second instalment of my finds from the end of April. The snow finally melted and my ankle…
???? by Al Runt @alrunt ???? This is a good way to stop dogs from ???? on fire hydrants. Just scare them away with a monster. 1) First picture is…
[quads id=RndAds] Mural "Blown Away Guy" by John Ball & Katia Engell (same artist as my previous post) This multiple-photo post is super complicated.. so I'll try to make this…
[quads id=RndAds] "Nobody Likes You" Mural by @johnball "Nobody Likes You" by @johnball Nobody Likes Mondays ! that's for sure... comeback when you change your name to Friday .. or…
???? by Anya Mielniczek @anyamielniczek ???? I got to finally meet Anya this past weekend while she was working on this mural ! She's even cooler in person ! This…
???? Laneway Light Up ???? created by @kj.bit & @openfieldcollective & friends This is a project that I honestly didn't know anything about until I got there... they say on…
Garage Door Mural Finds April 2018 These are all from the first part of April. I was just recouping from a broken ankle so I was covering as much territory…
???? "There is no them. There is only us" by @bkez ???? Flashback to April 4th - 2018... This is a mural by Bareket. I chatted with her last Sunday..…
???? by @Uber5000 ???? and friends.. I passed by this on the weekend.. I saw it for the first time in Februrary 2016. It done back in 2012.. so this…
Fox by Aaron Hill StreetArt Fox by Aaron Hill A throwback .. because it's Throwback Thursday ! (just curious why it's Throwback Thursday instead of Throwback Tuesday ? ). This…