Wall Expressions Murals Project 2017


All this winter weather had me looking at my photo archives. I realized I haven’t posted a lot of photos that I meant to post. You know all the ones that  you kept saying to yourself “I should post that”. February is that kinda month.. the ‘rainy day’ that goes on for 28 days. The month you can get caught up on all they things you didn’t do .. because it’s too damn cold outside (in Canada anyway).

Wall Expressions Murals Project 2017

I figured I would start with these pictures from Wall Expressions 2017 (yeah.. like I said I have a lot of pictures). I’m starting with these pictures because it was during the summer and it was really nice and warm outside back then !

This was for a project organized by Brooke Somer Leigh aka @missladyoops. She organizes this project every year but 2017 was this was the first time I was able to see the artists working live. Brooke does an impressive job organizing this.. everything from going door to door to get the homeowners participation to getting the media involved. It’s a lot of work but somehow she does it seamlessly. The end result is something that stays in the community for years. I’ve found some her these projects many years later and the art for the most part is still intact….

I’ll do these alphabetically for my post:

ANDRÉ KAN Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
ANDRÉ KAN Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
ANDRÉ KAN Street Art Mural

“Enlivened by his interest in spacial structures and interconnectivity, Andre Kan‘s paintings serve as excitable blueprints for a possible reality.”

SADAR – TFK \|/ ZNC Graffiti Art

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
SADAR – TFK |/ ZNC Graffiti Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
SADAR – TFK |/ ZNC Graffiti Art

“???? Let the work speak for itself. Canadian Artist⠀”


Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art

Toronto Paintress” From her IG “WOOF ???? Painted these demon dogs this weekend! Super fun jam ”

Cruzart aka Angel Carrillo Graffiti Art

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Cruzart aka Angel Carrillo Graffiti Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Cruzart aka Angel Carrillo Graffiti Art

Angel Carrillo is one of Toronto’s well recognized urban street artists. His portfolio ranges from tattoos to multi-story wall murals.”

Dudeman Street Art Mural


Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Dudeman Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Dudeman Street Art Mural

I posted some of Dudeman‘s work a few weeks ago... from his IG “Artist, based out of Toronto. I do my thing.”

Fuel Roc Graffiti Art


Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Fuel Roc Graffiti Art

This one I have a photo of Fuel Roc working on the mural.. but no picture of the final result ! my bad !

LuvSumone Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
LuvSumone Street Art Mural

???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ????????…

I didn’t get to see LuvSumone working on this mural.. just the finished result.

MEDIAH Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
MEDIAH Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
MEDIAH Street Art Mural

An Internationally renowned visual artist, MEDIAH is a trendsetter sparking new ideas and originality by blurring the lines between post-graffiti and dynamic abstraction.

Another artist that I didn’t get to see.

Planta Muisca Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Planta Muisca Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Planta Muisca Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Planta Muisca Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Planta Muisca Street Art Mural

Planta Muisca’s artistic work is the result of her experiences living and working in various parts of Latin America and Canada. ”


Nick Sweetman Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Nick Sweetman Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Nick Sweetman Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Nick Sweetman Street Art Mural

From Nick Sweetman‘s IG: “Thanks @bret.kelly for sharing these progress shots of my whale shark from #wallexpressions the other weekend. The top is near the end of day 1 and the bottom is the finished product at end of day 2. I often forget to take photos until the end so always appreciate when other people take pics along the way.”

PoserABM Graffiti Art


Toronto Graffiti Street Art
PoserABM Graffiti Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art

PoserABM Graffiti Art

I was surprised that Poser didn’t put his famous bunny in this mural..

From his IG: “Thanks to Wallexpressions for having me this year and it was great to see the alley light up for a few days. I previously had a piece here but it had seen a few years, it was definitely time for an update.”

ROAM Graffiti Art

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
ROAM Graffiti Art
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
ROAM Graffiti Art


Ted Hamer Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Ted Hamer Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Ted Hamer Street Art Mural
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Ted Hamer Street Art Mural

Sculptor, Artist, Muralist, Arts Educator, coordinator. Toronto.


Willy Wales Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art

Willy Wales Street Art Mural

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What a fantastic weekend, #teamspudbomb and @start_streetartoronto partnered to bring you #Wallexpressions – you are here… located in the Annex… with the help of @tranzac292 we were able to transform #DaveFrenchLane into an amazing outside gallery… with the help of 40 artist we rocked the garages in the Annex and we could not be more thrilled with the results.. . Here is just one wall done by mad talented artist @nick_sweetman @crwales66 and @3tr_t artist curators @spud1_spudbomb and @missladyoops #graffitiporn #torontograffiti #torontosfinest  #ig_graffiti  #graffiti  #spudbomb  #mtn #mtncans #mtncolors  #streetart  #spud1OTM #streetarttoronto #rsa_graffiti #toronto #tdot #spud1wf #spud1 #graffititoronto  #art #OTM #aerosol #spraypaint #the6ix #teamspudbomb #production

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Spray Paint???? and Tattoos????

I did see Wales working.. but I didn’t get any pictures !

There were over 40 artists.. and I don’t want this post to be massive so I’ll leave it with these pictures (for now). The other murals are included in the video.

Enjoy !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

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