Garage Door Mural Fundraiser

Back in June of this year Monyzak organized an alley jam street art fundraiser for Breakaway Community Services. From their website “Our services are offered through community-based facilities with a focus on street and community outreach.”
The artists all got together over the weekend and painted down this alley just north of Dundas St in the west end.
Moises Garage Door Mural

Right at the beginning I immediately recognized Moises who has been incredibly busy over the pandemic.

Billy Franklin Garage Door Mural

Now going by Billyfffboi on Instagram Billy Franklin worked hard on this mural.
Francis Pratt Garage Door Mural

I didn’t realize right away but this is a new mural by Francis Pratt. He says on his Instagram that he is celebrating 5 years of sobriety and he’s incorporated the word “sober” in this piece. !
June Garage Door Mural

Although, June wasn’t apart of the street art alley jam back in June – she was invited by Monyzak later on to create this mural of a tiger.
Chris Perez Garage Door Mural

When you go into the car port at the Sheridan entrance you will find this mural by Chris Perez. I never got to see him working on this as it was almost done when I arrived.
Christina Mazzulla Garage Door Mural

Also the fashionable Christina Mazzulla worked on this mural on what was one of the hottest weekends in June.
Curtia Wright Garage Door Mural

Always love running into Curtia Wright when she takes part in one of these street art alley jams. She also takes time to say hello and even strikes a few poses ! Curtia has been doing some really fabulous artwork in 2021 !
Dave Setrakian Garage Door Mural

Super busy Dave Setrakian seemed to be assisting with this alley jam and he did two murals.

Giles Monette Garage Door Mural

Love this character that Giles Monette has created.
Check out this video that he put together to get a feel for the event.
Haenahhh Garage Door Mural

Another mural that was completed before I arrived. This on is by Haenahhh
Jared Olsever Garage Door Mural

From his website: “Recently freeing himself from a high-control religious cult, Jared Olsever has connected with his sexuality as a queer artist. “
It’s exciting to have a queer artist doing murals ! There are not that many and his artwork is amazing.
Natalie VeryB Garage Door Mural

This artist goes by Natalie VeryB and Breakaway Community services posted one of her earlier inspirational murals in their Instagram feed.
Smolik Garage Door Mural

Another very busy street artist is Smolik.
Valmor Garcia Garage Door Mural

This mural by Valmor Garcia didn’t get finished until August (I kept going back to check).
But he has a full time gig and he runs Cry Baby Gallery – so he’s always on the go.
Monyzak Garage Door Mural

Finally, this piece by Monyzak who put this all together. This was another mural that was completed before I arrived.
Unknown Garage Door Mural

I am throwing this mural in. It wasn’t apart of the alley jam – but was had been there for a few years earlier.