Murals by Bruno Smoky Shalak Attack

Catching up with some of my street art posts from February. Not as much graffiti with these posts. The cold weather thankfully deters the graff taggers … a little bit anyway.. by springtime the graffiti usually starts again.

Bruno Smoky & Shalak Attack Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

???? Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone ! ????

This has to be one of the most photographed murals in the city. Its on Instagram a lot already probably because it’s a beautiful mural.. its by Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack 

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

This overlooks the basketball court near the distillery district. When you do a google search of this park.. an image of this mural is the first thing that pops up. I’ve never seen any graffiti on either sides of this mural.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
This is a photo of the back of the mural.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

???? GLOW ???? Artwork by Lynnette Postuma

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

by @lynnette_postuma

Super cool art installation that I passed this week at a bar… not sure if it constitutes as street art.. but I saw it from the street.

“GLOW is a dynamic art installation that creatively explores the subtleties of light and shadow using luminescent cord. Located at a neighbourhood bar in the Junction Triangle, this window display will enhance the soft qualities of light formed by the venue’s namesake, The Gaslight.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

The front windows of the building will be filled with a web of luminescent cord focusing the view on an elevated lantern. Arrayed in a geometric pattern evoking beams of light, the cord will illuminate from an installed black light. The spill-over of light from busy Bloor Street and the adjacent intersection will also illuminate the cord intermittently and create curious shadows that permeate through the venue.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

By day, the artwork forms a complex visual display. By night, the luminescent cord is activated by its dynamic surroundings. Referencing the gaslight as a welcoming beacon, GLOW will create an ambience of warmth and respite, to invite pause and participation.

Its so Instagram friendly !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Turtle Mural Artwork

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

???? by Soul R ????@Michael_vo94

Happy Turtle Tuesday Everyone ! ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? This is on the side of his restaurant. I think this location was tagged by graffiti before this mural.

I’m still celebrating Turtle Tuesday ???? (who knew there was such a thing)

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
That last picture reminded me of this other turtle by the same artist (from October 1sr 2017) … says on his Instagram account ..that he is the owner of the Golden Turtle restaurant ! This artwork is in an alleyway with lots of graffiti – the artwork must have been a preventive measure.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Cow Mural by Unknown Artist

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

It looks like the homeowner might have made this mural themselves. There’s no credit. Its just a bunch of cows in a field. I felt like I was in the country for a few seconds. This laneway has a lot of graffiti in it.. Again, I presume that the mural was a preventative measure.

If you know the artist of this one let me know.. ???? (BTW — I found this in the same laneway where I found that “Green Man” mural – that I posted a few weeks back – I found the artist of that one – so I can update my post now) ____

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

cows in a pasture

I posted that previous photo of the mural of the cows because it reminded of this picture.. its only from my old iphone 4S.. but its not too bad.. iMHO.

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