Uber5000 Anser Reclaim Mural Project

???? by @ansermysteriousdate ????

???? by @Uber5000 ???? and friends..

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
???? by @Uber5000 ???? and friends..

I passed by this on the weekend.. I saw it for the first time in Februrary 2016. It done back in 2012.. so this is 6 years old now.

I had to google for info.. This I found from @thetorontostar “The 300-metre-long, 6-metre-high wall, between the tracks and Joe Shuster Way, was recently targeted by Toronto’s anti-graffiti bylaw enforcement and threatened with a mundane destiny: repeated whitewashing to cover up uninvited tagging They began making calls, bringing together 65 of the best artists from across the country, each responsible for painting a section. Some came from as far away as Halifax, Regina and Winnipeg. Most are locals, who took time off from jobs or painted in their free time.

Money for supplies came largely from Urbancorp, with artists giving up their time for a stipend of about $100. All told, the project has cost about $100,000, says Mandell.”

Hard to believe that the artists did all that work for $100.. but they did. It’s difficult to photograph this because obviously you can’t go on the train tracks to take pictures… Thousands of people pass it on the train everyday so someone must have a better photo than mine.

The upper two photos are from this weekend… you can see the ivy has grown over the wall… The bottom photo is from February 2016..

Also. ..Interesting enough.. if you google “Urbancorp” I get this from @torontolife
“Urbancorp was one of Toronto’s most prolific and respected developers. When the company filed for bankruptcy protection last April, nearly 200 pre-construction buyers lost their future homes and their best chance to break into the market. Anatomy of a real estate disaster ”

They didn’t go bankrupt by paying these artists their “stipend” that is for sure..

???? by @ansermysteriousdate ????

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
???? by @ansermysteriousdate ????

Who’s looking at you ?

I think I’ve posted about 8 of these Faces by Anser now. They are everywhere you look. I was walking by a house awhile back and you could see right into their dining room window. They had a framed version on this Face over the dining room table.

It’s kinda a thing..

This one is overlooking the railway tracks.. I feel like I should quote some lyrics about a train.. problem is .. I don’t know any…

Let’s google a train song.. shall we..

So there’s a song called “Train Song” by someone I never heard of.. Vashti Bunyan

Here are the lyrics

“Traveling north, traveling north to find you
Train wheels beating, the wind in my eyes
Don’t even know what I’ll find when I get to you
Call out your name love, don’t be surprised
It’s so many miles and so long since I’ve met you
Don’t even know what I’ll find when I get to you
But suddenly now, I know where I belong
It’s many hundred miles but it won’t be long
What will I do if there’s someone with you
Maybe someone you’ve always known
How do I know I can come and give to you
Love with no warning and find you alone
It’s so many miles and so long since I’ve met you
Don’t even know what I’ll find when I get to you
But suddenly now, I know where I belong
It’s many hundred miles and it won’t be long”

I listened to it for a bit on YouTube.. it’s not a very good song.. oh well..

Have a Terrific TrainTrack Tuesday !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

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