Classic Photos Captured February 2016

Toronto Graffiti Tumblr Page

I started a Tumblr blog to archive all my graffiti and street art photos. I’ve been batching them by months. I didn’t really get started about learning who was who in the street art scene until about February of 2016.. so that is where I started the Tumblr. You can see the pictures in chronological order on the Tumblr. I’m not really commenting or following back.. it’s mainly just to keep a copy of the images.

FYI.. I couldn’t include the location on some of these as I don’t remember where they were taken !

I made a quick Youtube video of the finds from that month.. and here are some of the stand outs from February of 2016.

Heidi Burkhardt Bell Box

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Heidi Burkhardt Bell Box

This is one of the first Bell Boxes that I noticed. I lived a block south of this one and actually watched her painting it way back in 2011..

I found her website and she says this about herself

“The foundation of Heidi’s work stems from the venerable tradition of Canadian Landscape Painting. The delights of plein-air painting results in images reflecting the grand landforms, the endless variety of textures and colours of the vast North American wilderness.”

This one always reminded me of a Group of Seven painting.

Feb 4th

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found here:

Drink of the Gods Graffiti

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Drink of the Gods Graffiti

This graffiti was inside an abandoned building that was being converted into a condo. I didn’t know who the artist was when I posted it more than 2 years. Somehow this artist found my posts and let me know that he was the graffiti writer.

Feb 5th

Hemps Ballon Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Hemps Ballon Mural

This is by an artist who isn’t on Instagram and I can’t find any online activity. This is actually not visible when you pass down the alley. It’s really incredible when you go down the alley and discover this mural. A hidden treasure by Hemps.

Feb 5th

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found here:

Toest Graffiti

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Toest Graffiti

This is by an artist that I ended up finding on Instagram  and now we follow each other on there. I’ve chatting with her on there.. but I have yet to meet her in person.

Feb 7th

Pigeons Fence Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Pigeons Fence Mural

I always thought this was interesting.. I don’t like pigeons very much.. but this is an interesting artwork. I have yet to find out who created this.

Feb 8th, 2016

Elicser Elliot Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Elicser Elliot Mural

This is by Elicser Elliot and painted for World Pride 2014. It is on the side of a Drag Bar in the gay village. I remember watching him working on this.. but I never met him until last year.

Feb 15th

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found here:

Obey Giant Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Obey Giant Mural

Didn’t realize but this was done back in 2014 as well. Shepard Fairey is the artist known for Obama’s Presidential Campaign.

“The installation is called the ‘Peace Bomber’ and is part of Fairey and OBEY’s World Mural Tour where the team has installed another mural above Tattoo in Toronto.”

Feb 15th

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found here:

Clandestinos Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Clandestinos Mural.

This I actually discovered in March and not February.. but I will include it anyway. I ended up meeting Bruno Smoky and his wife Shalak Attack for the first time last year. I actually just saw him a week ago working on his latest mural.

March 2nd

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found here:

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