Young Jarus Mural Artist Spotlight

Young Jarus Graffiti Tags

Young Jarus Mural Artist Spotlight

I figured it was time to focus on some specific street artists for my blog. I thought I would start with Emmanuel Jarus who goes by Young Jarus on his Instagram. He really stands out in the street art scene. I’ve met him a couple of times now and what struck me most about him is how humble he is. Not pretentious at all and very easy going.

I’m always in awe when I see his work.

Muralist Emmanuel Jarus

He’s originally from Saskatchewan and I found this interview with him and another one on Youtube.

Emmanuel Jarus Woman Staircase Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Woman Staircase Mural

This was my first introduction to his work way back in 2012. The naked lady was hidden in a back alley.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Woman Staircase Mural
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Woman Staircase Mural
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Woman Staircase Mural

However, he made another lady mural underneath… They both really started my interest in street art. He’s able to paint on such a large scale that you are immediately drawn to his work.


Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Graffiti Alley Lady Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Graffiti Alley Lady Mural

Not really sure how else to describe this.. but this a portrait of a woman… and it’s in Graffiti Alley. There’s a fence there now so it’s hard to get a photo but this was from a couple of years ago.

Young Jarus Graffiti Alley Lady Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Graffiti Alley Lady Mural

This mural got painted over by Uber5000 in February of 2018 for another project organized by Tourism Toronto.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus College Street Mural

Young Jarus Wall Mural on Dundas.

Young Jarus did this one back in 2017 and it overlooks College Street. The guy portrayed in one of his friends and he is the model subject of many of his murals.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Portland St Murals

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Another mural by Young Jarus of yet another woman that appears down an alleyway.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

In the same alleyway as the above but some idiot tagged it.. sucks when idiots tag murals.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Silo Mural for Mural Routes

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

First time that I met Young Jarus in person. I think he thought I was stalking him because I walk by here often.  It was interesting to see him working live. I wasn’t able to talk to him the first couple of times because as you can see he was on a lift.

As you can see he uses a paint brush.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

All silos were apart of an art project where 4 silos were painted by 4 different artists back in autumn 2018. The artists were Bird0, Alex Bacon, Troy Lovegates and of course Young Jarus.

???? The Master Himself at Work Emmanuel Jarus

Jarus came back the next summer and an added this robin to the side of the silo, at the clients request. He was using aerosol for the lettering. Again, I got to chat ! It pays to walk around the city you never know who or what you might find !

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Liberty St Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

The woman in the silo is the same woman that appears in this mural.

I found an interview with him from Indie88 that he did while he was working on that mural:

“Although Jarus travels a lot, Toronto has become a place he appreciates, whether it be “the big brick houses with porches on the front” or “how multicultural and liberal Toronto is,” the city has earned a place in his heart.

“I am very thankful to call Toronto a home even if I’m only around for a few months of the year.””

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Museum Contemporary Art Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Wall mural outside of the new Museum of Contemporary Art building that replaced another on that he did.. but it was always fenced off.

That’s the original mural by Young Jarus.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Young Jarus Street Art Mural

MOCA opened the building finally and I was able to get a better picture. It’s right at the back entrance of the building.. but you can see it way in the distance.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Glow in the Dark Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Glow in the dark mural was for a promotion that Tourism Toronto was doing in February of 2018; to celebrate that Graffiti Alley was the top tourist destination.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Emmanuel Jarus
Young Jarus Artwork Mural

His mural replaced another on that he did. This is the same model subject that appears in the giant College Street mural (see above).

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Dave Persue & Emmanuel Jarus Collab Mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Collaboration Mural by Dave Persue & Emmanuel Jarus

Collaboration that he did with Dave Persue.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Midas Wall Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Young Jarus Midas Mural

Another collaboration but this time with Alex Bacon. It’s best viewed when you are on the subway. It’s a pretty massive wall.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Doorway Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Young Jarus Door Art

Previously used to be entrance to an art organization called “The Public” but they moved. Now, there is a hair salon at this location but they left the artwork on the door.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Jarus Don River Graffiti Tags

Street artists Young Jarus also does graffiti and these are his signature tags that you can still find on the Don River.

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Jarus Graffiti Tags
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Graffiti Tags
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Graffiti Tags

I’ve found some of his other tags all around the city..

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Young Jarus Graffiti Tags

Sometimes they are hidden in unusual places.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus ‘Rolling Joint’ Street Art Mural

Same model that appears in the College St mural as well as the Graffiti Alley murals (see above). Here he is rolling a joint.

Mural was done back in 2015 and it’s kinda hidden down an alleyway.. I literally stumbled on it a couple of years ago.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Bathurst Street Murals

Portrait by Young Jarus

Portrait of a real life person who was homeless at the time. He would panhandle at this spot near the subway.

That is him posing in front of the mural

Toronto Street Art Graffiti

Collaboration with Alex Bacon and it’s also near the subway.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Dovercourt Alleyway Mural

Incredible mural by Young Jarus that is tucked away in another alley off of Queen St. West.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus Bird Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
???? by @youngjarus

Bird mural is off of Parliament Street. I didn’t find this until last year.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Snake Street Art Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Emmanuel Jarus

Snake mural by Young Jarus overlooks a skatepark. There’s a lot of other murals along this wall… but his snake really stands out.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Young Jarus ‘The Dream’ Mural

Toronto Graffiti Street Art
Young Jarus “The Dream” Wall Mural

Just off Dufferin St mural is captivating and Young Jarus calls it “The Dream”.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

Old Mill Collaboration

Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Murals at Old Mill Collaboration
Toronto Street Art Graffiti
Old Mill Collaboration

Wasn’t sure whether to post this now because it was tagged.. I’m going to post the entire project later.. This was only one mural out of many.

Toronto Graffiti Street Art Found Here:

There’s a few more by Young Jarus in Toronto that I still haven’t seen.. like this one:

and when I do I will update this post !.

Looks like he has some upcoming projects this year:

Stay Tuned !

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